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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : MMX/RPI/DOS - interplanetary injection

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Posted: 08:57am 20 Jul 2017
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This post describes a MMBASIC program that solves one of my favorite problems in geometry and orbital mechanics. The program is named hyper1.bas and tackles the problem of interplanetary injection from a circular Earth orbit. The numerical method is due to Professor Richard Battin.

The solution of this problem provides an initial estimate of the delta-v and energy required to transfer a spacecraft onto an interplanetary trajectory (perhaps to Mars) from a circular orbit about the Earth. It also provides the approximate geometry of the possible Earth departure hyperbolas.

Here's a typical user interaction and program output ...

Interplanetary Injection from a Circular Earth Park Orbit

please input the altitude of the circular Earth park orbit (kilometers)
? 185.32

please input the orbital inclination of the Earth park orbit (degrees)
(0 <= inclination <= 180)
? 28.5

please input the C3 of the departure hyperbola (kilometers^2/second^2)
(C3 > 0)
? 9.28

please input the right ascension of the outgoing asymptote (degrees)
(0 <= right ascension <= 360)
? 352.59

please input the declination of the outgoing asymptote (degrees)
? 2.27

Interplanetary Injection from a Circular Earth Park Orbit

departure hyperbola characteristics

c3 9.2800 kilometers^2/second^2

asymptote right ascension 352.590000 degrees

asymptote declination 2.270000 degrees

orbital elements and state vector of park orbit at injection - opportunity #1

semimajor axis 6563.4600 kilometers
eccentricity 0.0000000000
orbital inclination 28.5000 degrees
argument of perigee 0.0000 degrees
RAAN 176.7767 degrees
true anomaly 25.0750 degrees

position vector x-component -6.072921967203e+03 kilometers
position vector y-component -2.106409915567e+03 kilometers
position vector z-component 1.327276617537e+03 kilometers

position vector magnitude 6.563460000000e+03 kilometers

velocity vector x-component 2.948684715564e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector y-component -6.379019476975e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector z-component 3.368026111924e+00 kilometers/second

velocity vector magnitude 7.792960344441e+00 kilometers/second

orbital elements and state vector of hyperbola at injection - opportunity #1

semimajor axis -42952.6338 kilometers
eccentricity 1.1528069276
orbital inclination 28.5000 degrees
argument of perigee 25.0750 degrees
RAAN -3.2233 degrees
true anomaly 0.0000 degrees

position vector x-component -6.072921967203e+03 kilometers
position vector y-component -2.106409915567e+03 kilometers
position vector z-component 1.327276617537e+03 kilometers

position vector magnitude 6.563460000000e+03 kilometers

velocity vector x-component 4.326441938393e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector y-component -9.359582340336e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector z-component 4.941718367961e+00 kilometers/second

velocity vector magnitude 1.143417954468e+01 kilometers/second

injection delta-v vector and magnitude - opportunity #1

x-component of delta-v 1377.757223 meters/second

y-component of delta-v -2980.562863 meters/second

z-component of delta-v 1573.692256 meters/second

delta-v magnitude 3641.219200 meters/second

orbital elements and state vector of park orbit at injection - opportunity #2

semimajor axis 6563.4600 kilometers
eccentricity 0.0000000000
orbital inclination 28.5000 degrees
argument of perigee 0.0000 degrees
RAAN 348.4033 degrees
true anomaly 214.5981 degrees

position vector x-component -5.950846004649e+03 kilometers
position vector y-component -2.122286481036e+03 kilometers
position vector z-component -1.778296683053e+03 kilometers

position vector magnitude 6.563460000000e+03 kilometers

velocity vector x-component 3.201396629997e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector y-component -6.411885875654e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector z-component -3.060883869907e+00 kilometers/second

velocity vector magnitude 7.792960344441e+00 kilometers/second

orbital elements and state vector of hyperbola at injection - opportunity #2

semimajor axis -42952.6338 kilometers
eccentricity 1.1528069276
orbital inclination 28.5000 degrees
argument of perigee 34.5981 degrees
RAAN -11.5967 degrees
true anomaly 360.0000 degrees

position vector x-component -5.950846004649e+03 kilometers
position vector y-component -2.122286481036e+03 kilometers
position vector z-component -1.778296683053e+03 kilometers

position vector magnitude 6.563460000000e+03 kilometers

velocity vector x-component 4.697232148402e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector y-component -9.407805388687e+00 kilometers/second
velocity vector z-component -4.491065549808e+00 kilometers/second

velocity vector magnitude 1.143417954468e+01 kilometers/second

injection delta-v vector and magnitude - opportunity #2

x-component of delta-v 1495.835518 meters/second

y-component of delta-v -2995.919513 meters/second

z-component of delta-v -1430.181680 meters/second

delta-v magnitude 3641.219200 meters/second

Here's a link to a PDF file of the MATLAB version with illustrations of the orbital geometry.


Here's the MMBASIC source code.

' hyper1.bas July 20, 2017

' Battin's method for single impulse coplanar hyperbolic
' injection from a circular Earth park orbit

' MMBASIC for MMX, Raspberry Pi and DOS


option default float

option base 1

dim pv(3), shat(3), rhat1(3), rhat2(3)

dim rpo1(3), vpo1(3), oev_po1(6)

dim rpo2(3), vpo2(3), oev_po2(6)

dim rhyper1(3), vhyper1(3), oev_hyper1(6)

dim rhyper2(3), vhyper2(3), oev_hyper2(6)

dim deltav1(3), deltav2(3)

' angular conversion factors

const pi2 = 2.0 * pi, rtd = 180.0 / pi, dtr = pi / 180.0

' gravitational constant of the Earth (kilometers^3/second^2)

const mu = 398600.4415

' equatorial radius of the Earth (kilometers)

const req = 6378.14

' request user inputs

print " "
print "Interplanetary Injection from a Circular Earth Park Orbit"
print "---------------------------------------------------------"
print " "

print " "
print "please input the altitude of the circular Earth park orbit (kilometers)"
input alt

if (alt > 0.0) then exit do


print " "
print "please input the orbital inclination of the Earth park orbit (degrees)"
print "(0 <= inclination <= 180)"

input orbinc

if (orbinc >= 0.0 and orbinc <= 180.0) then exit do


print " "
print "please input the C3 of the departure hyperbola (kilometers^2/second^2)"
print "(C3 > 0)"

input c3

if (c3 > 0.0) then exit do


print " "
print "please input the right ascension of the outgoing asymptote (degrees)"
print "(0 <= right ascension <= 360)"

input rasc

if (rasc >= 0.0 and rasc <= 360.0) then exit do


print " "
print "please input the declination of the outgoing asymptote (degrees)"

input decl

if (abs(decl) <= 90.0) then exit do


if (abs(decl) >= orbinc) then

print " "
print "*********************************************************************"
print "Please note: this program is valid for |DLA| < park orbit inclination"
print "*********************************************************************"


end if

' geocentric radius of park orbit (kilometers)

rpmag = req + alt

' convert angular elements to radians

xinc = orbinc * dtr

decl_asy = decl * dtr

rasc_asy = rasc * dtr

' v-infinity (km/sec)

vinf = sqr(c3)

' unit vector along the Earth's spin axis

pv(1) = 0.0
pv(2) = 0.0
pv(3) = 1.0

cdecl_asy = cos(decl_asy)

sdecl_asy = sin(decl_asy)

crasc_asy = cos(rasc_asy)

srasc_asy = sin(rasc_asy)

' compute unit asymptote vector

shat(1) = cdecl_asy * crasc_asy

shat(2) = cdecl_asy * srasc_asy

shat(3) = sdecl_asy

' beta = angle between unit asymptote vector and spin axis

beta = acos(vdot(pv(), shat()))

sum1 = acos(cos(beta) / sin(xinc))

' alpha = angle between unit asymptote vector and position vector

alpha = asin(1.0 / (1.0 + rpmag * vinf * vinf / mu))

' tangential injection

' injection argument of latitude #1

arglat1 = modulo(sum1 - alpha)

' injection argument of latitude #2

arglat2 = modulo(-sum1 - alpha)

' injection raan #1

raan1 = modulo(rasc_asy + pi + asin(cotan(beta) / tan(xinc)))

' injection raan #2

raan2 = modulo(rasc_asy + 2.0 * pi - asin(cotan(beta) / tan(xinc)))

' opportunity #1 - park orbit state vector and orbital elements

oev_po1(1) = rpmag

oev_po1(2) = 0.0

oev_po1(3) = xinc

oev_po1(4) = 0.0

oev_po1(5) = raan1

oev_po1(6) = arglat1

orb2eci(oev_po1(), rpo1(), vpo1())

uvector(rpo1(), rhat1())

ctheta = vdot(shat(), rhat1())

d = sqr(mu / ((1.0 + ctheta) * rpmag) + vinf * vinf / 4.0)

' velocity vector of hyperbola at injection

for i% = 1 to 3

vhyper1(i%) = (d + 0.5 * vinf) * shat(i%) + (d - 0.5 * vinf) * rhat1(i%)

next i%

' injection delta-v vector

for i% = 1 to 3

deltav1(i%) = vhyper1(i%) - vpo1(i%)

rhyper1(i%) = rpo1(i%)

next i%

eci2orb(rhyper1(), vhyper1(), oev_hyper1())

print " "
print "---------------------------------------------------------"
print "Interplanetary Injection from a Circular Earth Park Orbit"
print "---------------------------------------------------------"
print " "

print "departure hyperbola characteristics"
print "-----------------------------------"
print " "

print "c3 ", str$(c3, 0, 4) + " kilometers^2/second^2"
print " "
print "asymptote right ascension ", str$(rtd * rasc_asy, 0, 6) + " degrees"
print " "
print "asymptote declination ", str$(rtd * decl_asy, 0, 6) + " degrees"

print " "
print "orbital elements and state vector of park orbit at injection - opportunity #1"
print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print " "


svprint(rpo1(), vpo1())

print " "
print "orbital elements and state vector of hyperbola at injection - opportunity #1"
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print " "


svprint(rhyper1(), vhyper1())

print " "
print "injection delta-v vector and magnitude - opportunity #1"
print "-------------------------------------------------------"
print " "

print "x-component of delta-v ", str$(1000.0 * deltav1(1), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "
print "y-component of delta-v ", str$(1000.0 * deltav1(2), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "
print "z-component of delta-v ", str$(1000.0 * deltav1(3), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "
print "delta-v magnitude ", str$(1000.0 * vecmag(deltav1()), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "

' opportunity #2 - park orbit state vector

oev_po2(1) = rpmag

oev_po2(2) = 0.0

oev_po2(3) = xinc

oev_po2(4) = 0.0

oev_po2(5) = raan2

oev_po2(6) = arglat2

orb2eci(oev_po2(), rpo2(), vpo2())

uvector(rpo2(), rhat2())

ctheta = vdot(shat(), rhat2())

d = sqr(mu / ((1.0 + ctheta) * rpmag) + vinf * vinf / 4.0)

' velocity vector of hyperbola at injection

for i% = 1 to 3

vhyper2(i%) = (d + 0.5 * vinf) * shat(i%) + (d - 0.5 * vinf) * rhat2(i%)

next i%

' injection delta-v vector

for i% = 1 to 3

deltav2(i%) = vhyper2(i%) - vpo2(i%)

rhyper2(i%) = rpo2(i%)

next i%

eci2orb(rhyper2(), vhyper2(), oev_hyper2())

print " "
print "orbital elements and state vector of park orbit at injection - opportunity #2"
print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print " "


svprint(rpo2(), vpo2())

print " "
print "orbital elements and state vector of hyperbola at injection - opportunity #2"
print "----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print " "


svprint(rhyper2(), vhyper2())

print " "
print "injection delta-v vector and magnitude - opportunity #2"
print "-------------------------------------------------------"
print " "

print "x-component of delta-v ", str$(1000.0 * deltav2(1), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "
print "y-component of delta-v ", str$(1000.0 * deltav2(2), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "
print "z-component of delta-v ", str$(1000.0 * deltav2(3), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "
print "delta-v magnitude " str$(1000.0 * vecmag(deltav2()), 0, 6) + " meters/second"
print " "



sub eci2orb(r(), v(), oev())

' convert eci state vector to classical orbital elements

' input

' r() = eci position vector (kilometers)
' v() = eci velocity vector (kilometers/second)

' output

' oev(1) = semimajor axis (kilometers)
' oev(2) = orbital eccentricity (non-dimensional)
' (0 <= eccentricity < 1)
' oev(3) = orbital inclination (radians)
' (0 <= inclination <= pi)
' oev(4) = argument of perigee (radians)
' (0 <= argument of perigee <= 2 pi)
' oev(5) = right ascension of ascending node (radians)
' (0 <= raan <= 2 pi)
' oev(6) = true anomaly (radians)
' (0 <= true anomaly <= 2 pi)


local rmag, vmag, sma, p, q, const1

local h, xk, x1, y1, eccm, inc, xlambdat

local raan, argper, tanom

local rhat(3), vhat(3), hhat(3), vtmp(3), ecc(3)

local hv(3), fhat(3), ghat(3)

' position and velocity magnitude

rmag = vecmag(r())

vmag = vecmag(v())

' position and velocity unit vectors

uvector(r(), rhat())

uvector(v(), vhat())

' angular momentum vectors

vcross(r(), v(), hv())

uvector(hv(), hhat())

' eccentricity vector

for i% = 1 to 3

vtmp(i%) = v(i%) / mu

next i%

vcross(vtmp(), hv(), ecc())

for i% = 1 to 3

ecc(i%) = ecc(i%) - rhat(i%)

next i%

' semimajor axis

sma = 1.0 / (2.0 / rmag - vmag^2 / mu)

' keplerian period

if (sma > 0.0) then

period = pi2 / sqr(mu / sma^3)


period = 0.0

end if

p = hhat(1) / (1.0 + hhat(3))

q = -hhat(2) / (1.0 + hhat(3))

const1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + p^2 + q^2)

fhat(1) = const1 * (1.0 - p^2 + q^2)
fhat(2) = const1 * 2.0 * p * q
fhat(3) = -const1 * 2.0 * p

ghat(1) = const1 * 2.0 * p * q
ghat(2) = const1 * (1.0 + p^2 - q^2)
ghat(3) = const1 * 2.0 * q

h = vdot(ecc(), ghat())

xk = vdot(ecc(), fhat())

x1 = vdot(r(), fhat())

y1 = vdot(r(), ghat())

' orbital eccentricity

eccm = sqr(h * h + xk * xk)

' orbital inclination

inc = 2.0 * atn(sqr(p * p + q * q))

' true longitude

xlambdat = atan3(y1, x1)

' check for equatorial orbit

if (inc > 1.0e-10) then

raan = atan3(p, q)


raan = 0.0

end if

' check for circular orbit

if (eccm > 1.0e-10) then

argper = modulo(atan3(h, xk) - raan)


argper = 0.0

end if

' true anomaly

tanom = modulo(xlambdat - raan - argper)

oev(1) = sma
oev(2) = eccm
oev(3) = inc
oev(4) = argper
oev(5) = raan
oev(6) = tanom

end sub


sub orb2eci(oev(), r(), v())

' convert orbital elements to state vector subroutine

' input

' oev(1) = semimajor axis (kilometers)
' oev(2) = orbital eccentricity (non-dimensional)
' oev(3) = orbital inclination (radians)
' (0 <= oev(3) <= pi)
' oev(4) = argument of perigee (radians)
' (0 <= oev(4) <= 2 pi)
' oev(5) = right ascension of ascending node or
' east longitude of ascending node (radians)
' (0 <= oev(5) <= 2 pi)
' oev(6) = true anomaly (radians)
' (0 <= oev(6) <= 2 pi)

' output

' r() = geocentric, equatorial position vector (kilometers)
' v() = geocentric, equatorial velocity vector (kilometers/second)

' special notes

' (1) eci coordinates if oev(5) = raan

' (2) ecf coordinates if oev(5) = east longitude

' (3) valid for elliptic and hyperbolic orbits


local sma, ecc, inc, argper, nangle, tanom

local slr, rm, arglat, sarglat, carglat

local sinc, cinc, snangle, cnangle, c1, c2, c3

' "unload" orbital elements array

sma = oev(1)
ecc = oev(2)
inc = oev(3)
argper = oev(4)
nangle = oev(5)
tanom = oev(6)

' semiparameter

slr = sma * (1.0 - ecc * ecc)

' radius magnitude

rm = slr / (1.0 + ecc * cos(tanom))

' argument of latitude

arglat = argper + tanom

sarglat = sin(arglat)

carglat = cos(arglat)

sinc = sin(inc)

cinc = cos(inc)

snangle = sin(nangle)

cnangle = cos(nangle)

c1 = sqr(mu / slr)

c2 = ecc * cos(argper) + carglat

c3 = ecc * sin(argper) + sarglat

' x, y and z components of the position vector

r(1) = rm * (cnangle * carglat - snangle * cinc * sarglat)

r(2) = rm * (snangle * carglat + cinc * sarglat * cnangle)

r(3) = rm * sinc * sarglat

' x, y and z components of the velocity vector

v(1) = -c1 * (cnangle * c3 + snangle * cinc * c2)

v(2) = -c1 * (snangle * c3 - cnangle * cinc * c2)

v(3) = c1 * c2 * sinc

end sub


sub svprint(r(), v())

' print position and velocity vectors subroutine


local rmag, vmag

print "position vector x-component ", str$(r(1), 0, -12) + " kilometers"
print "position vector y-component ", str$(r(2), 0, -12) + " kilometers"
print "position vector z-component ", str$(r(3), 0, -12) + " kilometers"

rmag = vecmag(r())

print " "

print "position vector magnitude ", str$(rmag, 0, -12) + " kilometers"

print " "

print "velocity vector x-component ", str$(v(1), 0, -12) + " kilometers/second"
print "velocity vector y-component ", str$(v(2), 0, -12) + " kilometers/second"
print "velocity vector z-component ", str$(v(3), 0, -12) + " kilometers/second"

vmag = vecmag(v())

print " "

print "velocity vector magnitude ", str$(vmag, 0, -12) + " kilometers/second"

end sub


sub oeprint(oev())

' print classical orbital elements subroutine


print "semimajor axis ", str$(oev(1), 0, 4) + " kilometers"
print "eccentricity ", str$(oev(2), 0, 10)
print "orbital inclination ", str$(rtd * oev(3), 0, 4) + " degrees"
print "argument of perigee ", str$(rtd * oev(4), 0, 4) + " degrees"
print "RAAN ", str$(rtd * oev(5), 0, 4) + " degrees"
print "true anomaly ", str$(rtd * oev(6), 0, 4) + " degrees"
print " "

end sub


function modulo(x) as float

' modulo 2 pi function


local a

a = x - pi2 * fix(x / pi2)

if (a < 0.0) then

a = a + pi2

end if

modulo = a

end function


function atan3(a, b) as float

' four quadrant inverse tangent function

' input

' a = sine of angle
' b = cosine of angle

' output

' atan3 = angle (0 =< atan3 <= 2 * pi; radians)


local c

if (abs(a) < 1.0e-10) then

atan3 = (1.0 - sgn(b)) * pidiv2

exit function


c = (2.0 - sgn(a)) * pidiv2


if (abs(b) < 1.0e-10) then

atan3 = c

exit function


atan3 = c + sgn(a) * sgn(b) * (abs(atn(a / b)) - pidiv2)


end function


function vecmag(a()) as float

' vector magnitude function

' input

' { a } = column vector ( 3 rows by 1 column )

' output

' vecmag = scalar magnitude of vector { a }

vecmag = sqr(a(1) * a(1) + a(2) * a(2) + a(3) * a(3))

end function


sub uvector (a(), b())

' unit vector subroutine

' input

' a = column vector (3 rows by 1 column)

' output

' b = unit vector (3 rows by 1 column)


local i%, amag

amag = vecmag(a())

for i% = 1 to 3

if (amag <> 0.0) then

b(i%) = a(i%) / amag


b(i%) = 0.0

end if

next i%

end sub


sub vcross(a(), b(), c())

' vector cross product subroutine

' { c } = { a } x { b }

' input

' { a } = vector a ( 3 rows by 1 column )
' { b } = vector b ( 3 rows by 1 column )

' output

' { c } = { a } x { b } ( 3 rows by 1 column )

c(1) = a(2) * b(3) - a(3) * b(2)
c(2) = a(3) * b(1) - a(1) * b(3)
c(3) = a(1) * b(2) - a(2) * b(1)

end sub


function vdot(a(), b()) as float

' vector dot product function

' c = { a } dot { b }

' input

' n% = number of rows
' { a } = column vector with n rows
' { b } = column vector with n rows

' output

' vdot = dot product of { a } and { b }


local i%, c = 0.0

for i% = 1 to 3

c = c + a(i%) * b(i%)

next i%

vdot = c

end function


function cotan(x) as float

' cotangent function

' x is input value


cotan(x) = 1.0 / tan(x)

end function



Joined: 29/01/2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 1082
Posted: 11:15am 21 Jul 2017
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Ah, the remarkable march of technology. A few dollars worth of computer can calculate this sort of thing now. How many tons of computer at what cost at what power consumption did NASA need to do this 50 years ago?
Visit Vegipete's *Mite Library for cool programs.
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