2nd Edition OZINVERTER book/manual

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Joined: 23/10/2015
Location: France
Posts: 433
Posted: 07:57pm 01 Sep 2019      

I trust this helps for our friends in the USA ?


There are now 3 options.

1.  .... The Ozinverter 2nd edition book.
2. ..... The OzInverter 2nd edition book and the 3 PCB's for 50HZ.
3. ..... The OzInverter 2nd edition book and the 3 PCB's for 60HZ 120vac.

I also have a small stock of the SMD sub board PCB's, please ask if required.

Me rambling on a utube vid with a OzInverter, showing the insides and start up.

...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s9B3RTF1QA
Everything is possible, just give me time.

3 HughP's 3.7m Wind T's (14 years). 5kW PV on 3 Trackers, (10 yrs). 21kW PV AC coupled SH GTI's. OzInverter created Grid. 1300ah 48v.