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Joined: 09/06/2019
Location: Australia
Posts: 16
Posted: 12:01pm 15 Jul 2019      

[quote=Gizmo] Do you have any experience with creating the export files to import into Reckon ( Quickbooks )? [/quote]

Hi Gizmo , I have created query's from the mysql> Shell ..

Had been using them to import into earlier QuickBooks Versions .

mysql> select * from database WHERE feild INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/forqb.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' ESCAPED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n';

This was using debian .
This query gives a file compatible to Excel 2003 export to csv .

The resulting file ( /tmp/forqb.csv ) can then be imported to QB's
You may have to format the query to suit . Depending on your version of QB's
and its New line/terminating requirements .

Be shure that you have read write 755 permisions to the output directory and the file
( /tmp/forqb.csv ) ( C:\forqb.csv ) As mysql wont tell you it can't write the file
but complain about your syntax , Go Figure

And from the shell you can use mysqldump ,

radar@access:~# mysqldump -u root -p --tab=/tmp --fields-terminated-by=, --fields-enclosed-by='"' --lines-terminated-by=0x0d0a databasename

From the above command you will get two files output into the /tmp directory databasename.txt databasename.sql the sql contains the database schema .

If you looking for a gui try < > Written in php for administration
of mysql .. Very good tool if you like mysql syntax .

I guess you don't want a commercial solution QuickBooks import - Zed Axis v13

And thank you for all your work on the forum ,
It may be from the earlier days but it stands the test of time .