Forum upgrade

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Admin Group

Joined: 05/06/2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 5099
Posted: 12:17am 30 Jul 2019      

Its "possible" the messenger is fixed. It was sending messages to the forum table instead of the messages table. I'll need to delete those messages from the forum table, which will be a pain as they are hard to identify other than context of the message. Those messages will be lost sorry, they didnt get to where you wanted them to go.

If you send a message, for now just make sure its in your outbox. If not, let me know.

Yes, time zone defaults to GMT for guests. Once you log in, it knows what time zone you prefer.

Yes know about the members given admin status. Currently there are no admin pages, I'm making change tot he database directly, so there is no security threat. On the list to fix ( its a long list ).

Some reports of old posts missing bits. I'll look into this. All the data is still there in the old forum database, and it wont be a problem to re-import that data, while leaving anything posted on the new forum code unaffected. I could use a couple of examples where half the post is gone, so I can see what characters were breaking the import routine.

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is right now.