Conway’s game of life

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Joined: 07/08/2011
Location: Australia
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Posted: 02:28am 27 Apr 2020      

This 'should' work on all mites with a LCD.
Tested on a H7
I left all the heavy lifting alone and just updated where necessary for the uMs.
The main change was RGB(colour) needed for the display routines.

 ' John Conway's Game of Life for Micromite MMBasic with TeraTerm
 ' Bill McKinley
 'Mode 3
 dim Bx$
 dim GRAPHICS = 1 ' Set = 0 for Terminal mode, = 1 for Graphics
 ' NOTE: If you make the matrix too small the Glider demo will cause an error
 ' and the matrix will not overwrite some of the text on the screen
 ' Make it too big and it will not fit on the screen
 ' A ratio of 2 of x to 1 of y gives a better looking display
 dim MatX = 40   ' Matrix horizontal size
 dim MatY = 25   ' Matrix vertical size
 dim RandL = 0.3 ' For the randomizing of life less than =< RandL means there is life
 ' Make it high and you get a lot of cells but they die quickly
 dim PT = 000    ' Pause time in mS between display updates
 dim DIAM
 If GRAPHICS Then 'DIAM = 480 / MatX : MatY = 35
   DIAM = mm.hres/matX
   MatY = int( MatX *mm.vres/mm.hres)
 ' Zero based matrix has one more cell all round than is displayed
 Dim CurM(MatX+1, MatY+1) ' The current matrix of life
 Dim NewM(MatX+1, MatY+1) ' The next generation of life
 ChkScr      ' Print intro
 SetupTimer  ' Randomize by waiting for a keypress
 ClrScr      ' Clear the screen (matrix area)
 InitM       ' Initialize the random matrix (or demo)
 Do          ' Program loop
   NextGen     ' Calculate the next generation
   Pause PT
   NextGen2    ' Calculate the next generation
   'UpdateM     ' Update the matrix with the new generation
   Pause PT
 Loop Until Inkey$ <> "" ' loop forever or until a keypres
Sub ChkScr ' Print intro
 Print "   Press a key to start"
 Print "   and another to stop"
 Print "   G for a glider demo"
End Sub
Sub SetupTimer ' Wait for a key press to start timer
   Bx$ = Inkey$
 Loop Until Bx$ <> ""
 'Randomize Timer
End Sub
Sub ClrScr 'Clear the screen area
 If Not GRAPHICS Then Print Chr$(27) "[2J" Chr$(27) "[H" Else Cls
End Sub
Sub InitM ' Initialise the matrix of life
 local integer x,y
 If Bx$ = "g" Or bx$ = "G" Then  'Set thr glider and target
   CurM(4, 7) = 1
   CurM(5, 7) = 1
   CurM(6, 7) = 1
   CurM(6, 6) = 1
   CurM(5, 5) = 1
   CurM(15, 15) = 1
   CurM(15, 16) = 1
   CurM(16, 15) = 1
   CurM(16, 16) = 1
   For y = 1 To MatY
     For x = 1 To MatX
       If Rnd() <= RandL Then
         CurM(x, y) = 1
         CurM(x, y) = 0
     Next x
   Next y
End Sub
Sub NextGen ' Breed the next generation into a new matrix
 local integer x, y, b, c, d, adj, dying, birth
 local s$
 If Not GRAPHICS Then Print Chr$(27) "[H"
 For y = 1 To MatY
   b = 0
   c = CurM(1, y - 1) + CurM(1, y) + CurM(1, y + 1)
   s$ = Space$(MatX)
   For x = 1 To MatX
     d = CurM(x + 1, y - 1) + CurM(x + 1, y) + CurM(x + 1, y + 1)
     adj = b + c + d
     If CurM(x, y) Then
       Poke Var s$, x, &h4f
       birth = NewM(x, y) = 0
       NewM(x, y) = (adj = 3) Or (adj = 4)
       If GRAPHICS Then
         If birth Then draw_cell(x, y, rgb(Yellow)) Else draw_cell(x, y, rgb(Green))
       dying = adj <> 3 And NewM(x, y) = 1
       NewM(x, y) = (adj = 3)
       If GRAPHICS Then
         If dying Then draw_cell(x, y, rgb(red)) Else draw_cell(x, y, rgb(Black))
     b = c
     c = d
   Next x
   If Not GRAPHICS Then Print s$
 Next y
End Sub
Sub draw_cell(x, y, col)
 Circle(x - 0.5) * DIAM, (y - 0.5) * DIAM, DIAM/2 - 2, 1,,col, col
End Sub
Sub NextGen2 ' Breed the next generation into a new matrix
 local integer x, y, b, c, d, adj, dying, birth
 local s$
 If Not GRAPHICS Then Print Chr$(27) "[H"
 For y = 1 To MatY
   b = 0
   c = NewM(1, y - 1) + NewM(1, y) + NewM(1, y + 1)
   s$ = Space$(MatX)
   For x = 1 To MatX
     d = NewM(x + 1, y - 1) + NewM(x + 1, y) + NewM(x + 1, y + 1)
     adj = b + c + d
     If NewM(x, y) Then
       Poke Var s$, x, &h4f
       birth = CurM(x, y) = 0
       CurM(x, y) = (adj = 3) Or (adj = 4)
       If GRAPHICS Then
         If birth Then draw_cell(x, y, rgb(Yellow)) Else draw_cell(x, y, rgb(Green))
       dying = adj <> 3 And CurM(x, y) = 1
       CurM(x, y) = (adj = 3)
       If GRAPHICS Then
         If dying Then draw_cell(x, y, rgb(red)) Else draw_cell(x, y, rgb(Black))
     b = c
     c = d
   Next x
   If Not GRAPHICS Then Print s$
 Next y
End Sub

Back when I did one on the Microbee (I think), I used an extra dimension to the one array and toggled between the two sides rather than 2 arrays.

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