More Fun Than a Barrel of Bettongs ...... : )

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Posted: 11:26pm 08 Aug 2020      


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Posted: 11:43pm 08 Aug 2020      

Cool ... Stripey IO  

Old Seagull Man
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Posted: 01:04am 09 Aug 2020      

Yes i miss IDE Cables



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Posted: 03:18pm 09 Aug 2020      

Nice to see that out in the wild!



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Posted: 06:39pm 09 Aug 2020      

  CircuitGizmos said  Nice to see that out in the wild!

Thank You !


!!!! Thank You !!!!

Beautiful board  


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Posted: 09:08pm 14 Aug 2020      

  hitsware2 said  

Mmmmm... 40-conductor rainbow ribbon cable....

The computer hobbyist nostalgia factor is off the charts with this thing :)

I installed a big push-on / push-off button as my power switch on my Circuit Gizmo’s board. It requires quite a bit of force, but then it makes a big loud “click”, followed by the instant-boot to the command prompt. It’s soooooo satisfying, and reminiscent of every 8-bit computer I ever owned. Even the “single floppy drive” effect of the spring-loaded SD card reminds me of an old 5.25” disk drive (OK, maybe more like a 3.5” floppy... :)



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Posted: 12:05am 15 Aug 2020      

Now that you mention it  


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Posted: 04:07am 15 Aug 2020      

Wow, is that just a bizarre coincidence that an SD card fits into that space? 3.5” floppies seemed magical to me when I first used one on a “Fat Mac” in 1984. It was “fat” because instead of the stock 128K RAM of the original Macintosh, it had a whopping....512K! (Yes, that’s K as in Kilobytes :) And, if you recall the original Star Trek series, they used “tapes” that looked eerily like the 3.5” case that appeared 20 years later. The 8-bit Guy has a great episode on esoteric magnetic & optical media.



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Posted: 12:01am 25 Aug 2020      

''' The Ghost in the Machine '''

dim c(23),n(5), v(7), p(7), u(5)
for i=0 to 23: read c(i): next i
for i= 0 to 7: read p(i): next i
for i= 0 to 7: read v(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read n(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read u(i): next i
data 36,36,34,32,30,30,30,30
data 30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30
data 27,27,27,27,30,30,30,30
data 4,0,2,2,8,0,2,2
data 9,0,7,0,7,0,7,0
data 24,27,32,36,40,48
data 0,0,0,0,20,15

do: for x=0 to 23
play sound 1,l,w,4*c(x),7
play sound 1,r,w,6*c(x),7

for y=0 to 7
play sound 2,b,s,1024,2*p(y)
pause 10: play sound 2,b,s,1024,0

play sound 3,l,q,((1.99*c(x))),v(y)
play sound 3,r,q,((2.01*c(x))),v(y)
play sound 4,b,w,12*n(int(rnd*5)),u(int(rnd*5))

pause 120: next y: next x: loop


Joined: 30/06/2020
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Posted: 05:29am 25 Aug 2020      

  hitsware2 said  

''' The Ghost in the Machine '''

dim c(23),n(5), v(7), p(7), u(5)
for i=0 to 23: read c(i): next i
for i= 0 to 7: read p(i): next i
for i= 0 to 7: read v(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read n(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read u(i): next i
data 36,36,34,32,30,30,30,30
data 30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30
data 27,27,27,27,30,30,30,30
data 4,0,2,2,8,0,2,2
data 9,0,7,0,7,0,7,0
data 24,27,32,36,40,48
data 0,0,0,0,20,15

do: for x=0 to 23
play sound 1,l,w,4*c(x),7
play sound 1,r,w,6*c(x),7

for y=0 to 7
play sound 2,b,s,1024,2*p(y)
pause 10: play sound 2,b,s,1024,0

play sound 3,l,q,((1.99*c(x))),v(y)
play sound 3,r,q,((2.01*c(x))),v(y)
play sound 4,b,w,12*n(int(rnd*5)),u(int(rnd*5))

pause 120: next y: next x: loop

Nice! Its interesting to try to work out how it works, which bits of the sound are random and which are not.

update: I've added it to the wiki. Wasn't sure how to describe it though.
Edited 2020-08-25 15:53 by capsikin



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Posted: 02:51pm 25 Aug 2020      

' " lead " instrument

for i= 0 to 5: read n(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read u(i): next i

data 24,27,32,36,40,48  ' notes
data 0,0,0,0,20,15      ' volume

play sound 4,b,w,12*n(int(rnd*5)),u(int(rnd*5))

Thank You  



Joined: 29/01/2013
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Posted: 05:41pm 25 Aug 2020      

Cool tunes!

Here is the same with some visualizations:
''' The Ghost in the Machine '''


dim c(23),n(5), v(7), p(7), u(5)
for i=0 to 23: read c(i): next i
for i= 0 to 7: read p(i): next i
for i= 0 to 7: read v(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read n(i): next i
for i= 0 to 5: read u(i): next i
data 36,36,34,32,30,30,30,30
data 30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30
data 27,27,27,27,30,30,30,30
data 4,0,2,2,8,0,2,2
data 9,0,7,0,7,0,7,0
data 24,27,32,36,40,48
data 0,0,0,0,20,15

dim clr(4) = (0,rgb(red),rgb(green),rgb(blue),rgb(yellow))
for i = 1 to 4
 circle 4+10*i,5,4,4,1,clr(i)
 circle 410-10*i,5,4,4,1,clr(i)
next i

print @(62,0) "Ghost in the Machine  - by hitsware2"

 for x=0 to 23
   play sound 1,l,w,4*c(x),7
   blit 10*1,0,700,550-4*c(x),10,10

   play sound 1,r,w,6*c(x),7
   blit 10*1,0,700,550-6*c(x),10,10

   for y=0 to 7

     play sound 2,b,s,1024,2*p(y)
     blit 10*2,0,700,300,10,10
     pause 10
     play sound 2,b,s,1024,0

     play sound 3,l,q,((1.99*c(x))),v(y)
     blit 10*3,0,700,550-((1.99*c(x))),10,10
     play sound 3,r,q,((2.01*c(x))),v(y)
     blit 10*3,0,700,560-((2.01*c(x))),10,10

     ni = int(rnd*5) : ui = int(rnd*5)
     play sound 4,b,w,12*n(ni),u(ui)
     if u(ui) then blit 10*4,0,700,550-12*n(ni),10,10

     blit 10,20,0,20,MM.HRES,MM.VRES-20
     pause 115 ' slightly faster to compensate for blitting

   next y
 next x



Joined: 03/08/2019
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Posted: 07:15pm 25 Aug 2020      

> Here is the same with some visualizations:

The " Ghost Busters in the Machine " game is born !