sPuDd Senior Member Joined: 10/07/2007 Location: AustraliaPosts: 251
Posted: 10:31am 03 Mar 2021
I have a solar installer who removes bulk quantities of panels 250W and up.
Majority are working fine. Sometimes one has failed in an install so warranty replaces the whole lot. One might leak and have several meg-ohms to ground which GTIs don't like.
Last batch of 40 odd I got for a friend for less than $20 each. I picked up 22x 315W units for $20 each.
Cost covers the guys time to disconnect, remove & transport them carefully instead of just throwing them off the roof.... Goes into the X-mas beer fund. He has forklift & can put them on a pallet ready for your trailer or ute.
PM me for his contact info. His workshop is in South Cairns, near Edmonton.
Judd.. It should work ...in theory
Ellen Newbie Joined: 21/02/2022 Location: United StatesPosts: 9
Posted: 08:50am 09 Mar 2022
Anyone who throws working panels off a roof shold be shot where he stands. Thats criminal in todays energy market . I'm too far away but could I get your contact details please as my friend is just moving into her self built cabin with 2 kids . She's trying to keep away from men but she might buy you a beer if she can get some panels as shes been talking about it now for far too long.
Davo99 Guru Joined: 03/06/2019 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1581
Posted: 01:46pm 09 Mar 2022
She's trying to keep away from men???
What, until it's convenient for her to go near them?
Buy a man a beer if she can get some panels..... wow, such generosity!
If a bloke said this about women there would be people screaming but turn things round and it's OK 'eh?
BTW, you do realize he is talking about Cairns in Australia Don't You?
Ellen Newbie Joined: 21/02/2022 Location: United StatesPosts: 9
Posted: 08:36pm 11 Mar 2022
Go away forum fool! I see others have told you that too!
Why is your mouth always open? Edited 2022-03-12 06:46 by Ellen
Davo99 Guru Joined: 03/06/2019 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1581
Posted: 02:54am 12 Mar 2022
New account, repeated attitude. Wouldn't be a ring in account now could it for someone whom has already been thrown off here? No, I'm sure that wouldn't be the case.
Grogster Admin Group Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 9375
Posted: 04:53am 12 Mar 2022
Davo99's been here for a long time, Ellen. You are a new member. Please behave and act respectful to the other members. This forum is well policed, and if you keep up that attitude, you won't last long.
"Go away forum fool" and "Why is your mouth always open?" are not appropriate comments for a new member to make towards any other member, especially members who have been here much longer then you have.
Ellen Newbie Joined: 21/02/2022 Location: United StatesPosts: 9
Posted: 10:31am 12 Mar 2022
As I said I read similar comments about his verbose comments from other members posts.
His comments on my post are inappropriate ,mesogynistic and not needed . Why would he interject such material in somebody elses thread ?
If you put up with such behaviour then this is not somewhere I would want to be anyway.
wiseguy Guru Joined: 21/06/2018 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1166
Posted: 06:09am 13 Mar 2022
I feel a need to put in my 2c worth ! Ellen (are you related to Bob?) your post reeks a bit of misandry and you have been here all of 5 minutes ? But it seems you are an expert about the good/valued? character of someone who said something negative against Davo and therefore Davo must be the one in the wrong ??
Some people have a wonderful economy of words, Davo isn't that person, but many folk (& I) like to read his muses.
Lets explore your quote about panel removals "So HE should be shot where HE stands" - maybe it was a she.... but I do sense your focus and intent.
I think Davo's reaction was quite justified - he wasn't even nasty but he called a spade a spade, I saw it more as a wasted wake up call. Perhaps if your post had been less condescending and less willing to use men to gratify a one way need (panels lol) it might have had a better outcome.
I reflect back to you that if this forum openly welcomed and encouraged your kind of attitude to the forum and its existing members it would be a lesser place, I agree with you that maybe this is somewhere you should not frequent ? You could always hit the reset button.
Reminds me of the Groucho Marx quote "I don't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member"
Grogster Admin Group Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 9375
Posted: 06:42am 13 Mar 2022
Well said.
Ellen Newbie Joined: 21/02/2022 Location: United StatesPosts: 9
Posted: 02:51am 14 Mar 2022
Another "SMARTARSE" Seems this forum is full of them . Shove it.
rogerdw Guru Joined: 22/10/2019 Location: AustraliaPosts: 877
Posted: 03:26am 14 Mar 2022
Well ... bye Felcia ... and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
wiseguy Guru Joined: 21/06/2018 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1166
Posted: 04:22am 14 Mar 2022
Aww Gee now you really gone and done it and hurt all my feelings, give my regards to Bob!
This is a case where sometimes its better to keep your mouth closed and let everyone think you're possibly nasty and even irrelevant, than it is to open your mouth and in doing so remove all their doubt.
It would serve you well to learn to be nice/pleasant to others. Edited 2022-03-14 14:22 by wiseguy
Grogster Admin Group Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 9375
Posted: 05:17am 14 Mar 2022
Well, we all tried.....
I have used my new admin privileges for the first time, and blocked/banned this member.
Language and attitudes like that from a newbie member towards long-term members - for whatever reason - is not going to be allowed, so she's done here.
As a new member, it should always be a case of "You're on probation." New members need to earn the respect of the forum and the members, NOT just automatically be GIVEN respect just cost they joined and think they know everything.
To quote the immortal George Carlin: "Respect should be EARNED not given away."
wiseguy Guru Joined: 21/06/2018 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1166
Posted: 05:31am 14 Mar 2022
Aww we might have redeemed her...........nah on second thoughts I dont think so either, good decision!
Its also good to see someone in power using it wisely, unfortunately not always the case...
Davo99 Guru Joined: 03/06/2019 Location: AustraliaPosts: 1581
Posted: 05:42am 14 Mar 2022
I was going to comment yesterday but thought best to say nothing but now another [pest has gone....
Anyone that comes along and has knowledge of others and an axe to grind has been there before. No one except disgruntled ex members that have been kicked out come on ranting and raving like that. What would have upset him more than anything was how quicky he was picked as if it wasn't more obvious than the nose on ones face.
I'd bet my backside that was Bob because the aggro and frankly, mental instability was hand in hand with what we saw previously. Anyone that is so obsessed with pushing an inanimate object like batteries has a mental problem and that's coming from someone that is certified as having mental problems! :0)
Given his irrational obsession, I would expect to see him try to sneak back yet again. Might be a little smarter and more Subtle next time but I have my doubts if he has the ability to control himself that well.
It's easy to laugh but I always think of what drives someone to be like that? They must be very hurt, think they have been badly treated and people are out to get them. I also think they must be very lonely and desperate for attention and their existence to be acknowledged any way they can make that happen even it if does bring them disdain and their recognition is short lived. I wonder what their every day lives are like and I can only think they must be filled with dissatisfaction and bitterness as well. I doubt they are much different in real life to what they are online. Just very miserable, angry people looking for someone to take their frustrations out on and desperate to be seen to exist.
Some of us want to curl up in a ball when we are down and be left alone and some just want to lash out at the world. It's very sad either way but I do NOT believe it is one ounce of an excuse to act like a hateful moron either.
Everyone has to take responsibility for there behaviors and attitudes and as someone whom has problems, I won't give anyone a shred of sympathy for not doing that and taking their problems out on others.
There are thing you can control and things you can't and things you are unaware you do and those that you are very aware of. No excuse for trying to piss people off because one feels bad or whatever their problem may be.
Grogster Admin Group Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 9375
Posted: 05:52am 14 Mar 2022
I like to give people a chance. We all sometimes have a bad day and perhaps post something we wouldn't normally - I'm guilty of that too sometimes when I have been a bit pissed!
So, I like to give a warning first, then see if they calm down by the next day etc. This is pretty much a leaf out of Glenn's rule book really.
But do it again the next day, or double-down and make it worse........ Edited 2022-03-14 15:58 by Grogster
Grogster Admin Group Joined: 31/12/2012 Location: New ZealandPosts: 9375
Posted: 12:38am 08 Apr 2022
So, you think that people should be allowed to go on flame wars and insult other forum members without any kind of policing or control?
Welcome to the forums, but sorry - that is a rule that will NOT be changed.
Senior members get more latitude due to the time they have been here, but newbies that arrive here with a chip on their shoulder or a dose of NPD(narcissistic personality disorder), won't be tolerated.
New members need to EARN the respect of the forums, not simply be given it just cos they signed up and think they know everything.
Not saying you are one of those, but we have seen this time and time again, and it is new members 99% of the time, hence the strict stance with new members. Again, very much hoping that is not going to be the case with you, and that you will become a much valued member here.
Play by the rules, and everyone will get along fine. Get rude or abusive and......
Godoh Guru Joined: 26/09/2020 Location: AustraliaPosts: 477
Posted: 07:28am 08 Apr 2022
To me it seemed strange that someone from the USA was trying to get cheap/free panels for a friend, when the panels are located in North Queensland. Thanks Grogster for doing a great job at keeping nasty commenters out. Pete