Simple Maze using Truchet Tiles

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William Leue

Joined: 03/07/2020
Location: United States
Posts: 393
Posted: 03:14pm 02 Apr 2021      

I'm tired of wrestling with the code for some of my more ambitious CMM2 projects, so here's a tiny little program that creates a sort-of maze using Truchet Tiles (see Wikipedia). It has a very close relationship to the famous one-line Commodore Pet maze generator known as '10Print'.

' Maze formed from Truchet Tiles
' This is basically the same algorithm as the famous
' Commodore Pet '10Print' one-line maze.
' Rev 1.0.0 William M Leue 4/1/2021
option default integer
option base 1

const TSIZE = 30

for row = 1 to nrows
 y = (row-1)*TSIZE
 for col = 1 to ncols
   x = (col-1)*TSIZE
   DrawTruchetTile x, y, rnd()
 next col
next row

sub DrawTruchetTile x, y, r as float
 local cx, cy
 if r < 0.5 then
   cx = x : cy = y + TSIZE
   arc cx, cy, TSIZE\2,, 0, 90
   cx = x + TSIZE : cy = y
   arc cx, cy, TSIZE\2,, 180, 270
   cx = x: cy = y
   arc cx, cy, TSIZE\2,, 90, 180
   cx = x + TSIZE: cy = y + TSIZE
   arc cx, cy, TSIZE\2,, -90, 0
 end if
end sub