Joined: 29/01/2013 Location: CanadaPosts: 1110 |
Posted: 12:01am 03 Apr 2021 |
Here's a slight variation. I fudged the numbers slightly to get joined arcs, extended the loops to go past the screen edges, put a box around the perimeter and added a flood fill to colour a portion of the 'maze'. The red dot shows the start of the flood fill. Press any key for another image, [Esc] to quit.
Edit: added the option for corners instead of curves. Press "1" to change to corners, "0" to change to curves.
It would be handy to know how many pixels the flood fill command actually drew...
' Maze formed from Truchet Tiles ' This is basically the same algorithm as the famous ' Commodore Pet '10Print' one-line maze. ' Rev 1.0.0 William M Leue 4/1/2021 option default integer option base 1
const TSIZE = 30 CORNERS = 0
do cls ncols = MM.HRES\TSIZE nrows = MM.VRES\TSIZE for row = 1 to nrows+1 y = (row-1)*TSIZE for col = 1 to ncols+1 x = (col-1)*TSIZE DrawTruchetTile x, y, rnd() next col next row box 0,0,MM.HRES,MM.VRES pixel fill ncols*TSIZE/2,nrows*TSIZE/2,rgb(blue) circle ncols*TSIZE/2,nrows*TSIZE/2,TSIZE/4,0,1,,rgb(red) do : k$ = inkey$ : loop until k$ <> "" if k$ = "1" then CORNERS = 1 if k$ = "0" then CORNERS = 0 loop until k$ = chr$(27) end
sub DrawTruchetTile x, y, r as float if CORNERS then if r < 0.5 then line x + TSIZE/2, y, x + TSIZE, y + TSIZE/2 line x, y + TSIZE/2, x + TSIZE/2, y + TSIZE else line x + TSIZE/2, y, x, y + TSIZE/2 line x + TSIZE, y + TSIZE/2, x + TSIZE/2, y + TSIZE end if else if r < 0.5 then arc x, y + TSIZE, TSIZE/2,, 0, 93 arc x + TSIZE, y, TSIZE/2,, 180, 273 else arc x, y, TSIZE/2,, 87, 180 arc x + TSIZE, y + TSIZE, TSIZE/2,, -93, 0 end if end if end sub
Edited 2021-04-03 10:20 by vegipete |