Some G scale Railway Stuff

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Joined: 03/06/2019
Location: Australia
Posts: 1581
Posted: 07:50am 22 Nov 2021      

You sure are into this in a very high standard!

I used to do some Music Editing for my wifes dance association. In the old days it used to be a recording of the old girl they had playing the Piano ( badly)  and then they went to recorded music and used to edit that  tape to tape.  From the master abomination they used to make copies of that, usually a tape playing with another Using the inbuilt Microphone.  Hideous. And it took whomever got lumbered with the job days and days to do it.

To Impress the then Girl friend, I got a hold of one of the tapes and downloaded the songs and edited them on the computer with some free software I found.  Did it all by seconds Duration but of course the quality over what they had was Chalk and cheese.
Burned it onto CD  and she took a little CD player and ran it into a portable Boom Box I bought her which only had a tape player but it worked brilliantly.
She used it for her Club Competition at which other teachers came to Judge and they heard her Music and it was like WTF?

Next year I'm doing all the music.  Once was enough but couldn't say no and loose face with girlfriend or that would not have gone down well.... especially with her mother who was the one that put me in for it.  

I have been looking into getting myself a Synth and looking at the sounds you can download and how they can be mixed and it's beyond incredible now.  You could easy mix 30 Sounds on separate tracks to come in when and for as long as you wanted and loop it to a file and load that onto whatever just as a single track.

I pretty much did That at my last place to keep the neighbours entertained at night. Put one speaker ( a big PA Type) up the front of the house in my driveway and another at the rear of their house.
First there might be a car chase  and then a shoot out then it would quiet down and 10 20 or 30 min later there would be a Chopper circling overhead and then off in the distance the sound of a cattle drive would come closer, shake the house with the bass from the sub woofers and then amble off into the distance. Bit later the steam train would come clatter past then fade away.  

2 well separated speakers with stereo effect can be amazing especially when they are large and you have a good amp. I made the tracks Hours Long so I just played the file on the old laptop I had hooked up and then I went to bed.  Never lose a wink of sleep but they sure did.  Got a call from the council one days asking if I had cattle in my back yard.  My reply of what?  can you say that again?  was all the reply the guy needed and then told me they had a complaint about cattle in my back yard.  I said you are welcome to come inspect for cattle any time you like.

A lot of this software you can put in as many tracks as you want, time them as you want and you could even speed up the sound or slow it down to make the engine sound like it's speeding up etc. You then just merge the tracks into one as a stereo or mono files and it can be played on anything.

The sound files I downloaded off the net were damn Impressive I thought. Very clear and detailed, probably artificially digitally generated but they were GOOD!
I don't know much about sound recording from Phones. I'm pretty old fashioned and out fo date that way. I use them for things people don't seem to do with them that often now... Like make and receive actual calls.  Don't do my banking on them or pay for my groceries or only ever send texts and check face waste or the phase of the moon on the planet Zorg... just calls.

No wonder my daughter calls me cave man.

I did have a DAT recorder at one time then I sold it for good money. I used to use a High * Video recorder I had which was a professional model and had the Digitised  DAT quality sound which was good for what I was doing.  Later it all went solid state. I think you can get recorders now that are digital and can record to SD cards.

What is the 671 in?? Was that out of a cane Train? Is it the straight or the 6V71?
My uncle has an  old truck I'd like to do up and squeeze a 671 In it. I think a straight may be a bit long but I have seen them on the net with the V's.

Mate of mine is into hotted up cars and laughed when I told him I wanted to Fit a Diesel. I showed him a clip of what one sounded like and his replay was, whatever help you need, I'm there.  I could see him doing one himself.

Nothing like the sound of a Screamin Jimmy!