Some G scale Railway Stuff

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Joined: 31/12/2016
Location: Australia
Posts: 1051
Posted: 10:13am 27 Nov 2021      

So far I don't have any problems with neighbours and loud noise, I make as much noise as they do, no houses on the neighbouring properties, happy with that.

I think My father had one of those old Tape real sound recorders, was apparently good gear back then.
Yeah the sound mixer is probably the way to look at it, sounds can be added (activated) as needed.
If I look at this as the output from the arduino or something of this nature, it is just processed and turned into PWM from the desired output pins, then into a small amplifier.
Other sounds that don't need to be processed this way, Compressor, air brakes and a few others could just be played from memory of some type SD Card or something, some will be activated by a pin or reed switch and magnet on the track and some will be random.
Have to do lighting as well.

Years ago I tried a demo of fruity loops, now called FL Studio, quite good to experiment with at the time.  

The 6-71 was in a boat at some stage, so a Grey Marine Diesel, painted GREEN, just checked it today and I believe it was used in the Navy.  
The old man bought a 3-71 a long time ago and done it up nicely, has a sound all to its own, hasn't run for years, so injectors probably stuck
There were quite a few cane loco's built for CSR used in QLD for sugarcane haulage a Clyde DHI-71 and used the straight 6 cylinder, they could haul quite well, never got a close look at one, just seen the odd video of them working, from what I was told years ago, some Diesel Hydraulic, where just a large torque converter between the motor and gearbox, so as far as sound effects go it should be pretty straight forward.  
Might eventually do some Cane train models, some of the bigger locos where re scaled to suit the 2ft track.
I have driven an old Ruston Hornsby loco, 3spd gearbox, that was fun to drive.