Posted: 11:35pm 28 Feb 2022 |
Some more grist for the mill:
1. On the CMM2 this lists the named file, on MMB4W it does nothing:
> LIST "file-that-exists.bas"
2. This crashes MMB4W:
> RUN "file-that-exists.bas" Hello World > RUN "file-that-does-not-exist.bas" Failed to open file C:\home-thwill\git_sandbox\github\file-that-does-not-exist.bas CRASHES!!!
3. PEEK(VARHEADER variable) is unimplemented.
4. INC/CAT doesn't handle case where result is > 255 characters, you had this problem and fixed it on the CMM2 where it now reports "String too long":
> Dim x$ > x$ = String$(128, "a") > Inc x$, String$(128, "b") > Len(x$) 98
5. DAY$() function crashes given a date before the epoch:
> ? Day$("31-12-1969") Wednesday MMB4W:
> ? Day$("31-12-1969") CRASHES!!!
6. DATETIME$() function can't handle negative argument:
> ? DateTime$(-1000) 31-12-1969 23:43:20 MMB4W:
> ? DateTime$(-1000) Epoch<0
Interestingly the EPOCH() function does seem to work with a date before the epoch:
> ? Epoch("31-12-1969 23:43:20") -1000 MMB4W:
> ? Epoch("31-12-1969 23:43:20") -1000
It's a pity this isn't a paying gig .
Best wishes,
Tom Edited 2022-03-01 09:42 by thwill |