MMBasic for Windows - betas

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Joined: 12/04/2017
Location: France
Posts: 429
Posted: 01:43am 01 Mar 2022      

  matherp said  How about I get rid of full screen mode completely but create a new mode for 1080p screens which is the maximum size that will fit above the task bar completely within the screen. Something like 1850x980? I can play with the setting to get the optimum

MS Window, from win3.11 to win11 can draw window with or without any border in full screen  from EGA to XGA or Full HD, I don't understand why it is not possible in MMBasic.

I have somes progs who use full screen without border, like Maps, for 1 to 4 screen. It work perfect with vb6, but now with win10 and win11, it is more difficulte to execute. For that I can be interesting by MMB, but if it is not possible to work in full screen without border, I must search other langage Lazarus or Purebasic
