MMBasic for Windows - betas

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Joined: 05/03/2018
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 4411
Posted: 02:28pm 01 Mar 2022      

Hi Peter,

Please check the MATH FFT function. For CMM2 we had to fix it, and for MMB4W we seem to run into a similar issue (although not identical).

When I take the FFT magnitude from a sinesquare windowed sine wave, and display it in linear scale, it should look like this (CMM2 fft calculation from below program):

However, the MMB4W math function shows many spurious peaks. Below graph shows the sinesquare windowed sine signal (top), as well as the fft (lower graph)

I use this code to check it (the program can change the windowing function with "w", and change the number of sinewaves for fft with "a" and "z", and save the graph to disk with "s").

'check fft magnitude function

n=1023 'samples
cy=10  'cycles
sq=0   'sq=1 = square wave. sq=0 = sine wave

dim a!(n),fm!(n)
w=0  'window type, 0=none


 'draw 2 frames using mm.hres mm.vres
 box 50,0,(mm.hres-51),mm.vres/2-2
 box 50,mm.vres/2,mm.hres-51,mm.vres-1

 'prepare input signal
 if k$="w" then w=(w+1) mod 4
 if w then window
 'plot input signal

 'do fft
 math fft magnitude a!(),fm!()

 'convert to logaritm

 'plot fft  

 'keyboard commands
 loop until k$<>""
 if k$="a" then cy=cy+1
 if k$="z" then cy=cy-1:cy=max(cy,2)
 if k$="s" then save image "fft",0,0,800,600
loop until k$="q"



'fill the input array a!() with cy cycles of sinewave
sub sinfill
 for i=0 to n
   if sq=1 then
     if a!(i)>0 then
     end if
   end if
 next i
end sub

'apply a window over the input signal (triangle for now)
sub window
 if w=1 then
   for i=0 to n/2  'linear
   next i
   ? @(60,5) "triangle window"
 else if w=2 then
   for i=0 to n    'quadratic (do linear twice)
   next i
   ? @(60,5) "quadratic window"
 else if w=3 then
   for i=0 to n    'sine^2 (hann) window
   next i
   ? @(60,5) "hann window"
 end if
end sub

'plot the input signal in the upper window
sub plot_in
 'find minimum and maximum
 for i=0 to n
 next i
 '? mi!,ma!
 'calculate gain and offset to fit it into the window
 'plot the actual samples  using linear interpolation
 for i=0 to n-1
   line i*xgain+xoffs,a!(i)*ygain+yoffs,(i+1)*xgain+xoffs,a!(i+1)*ygain+yoffs
 next i
 'add legend
 ? @(mm.hres/2,5) "input linear"
 ? @(5,5) str$(ma!,2,2)
 ? @(5,mm.vres/2-20) str$(mi!,2,2)
end sub

'plot the fft output in the lower window
sub plot_fft
 'find min and max and where max is
 for i=0 to n/2  'fft output is symetrical
   if ma!=fm!(i) then cf=i':? cf
 next i
 'apply some logaritmic scaling
 'for i=0 to n
 '  fm!(i)=min(ma!,max(mi!,fm!(i)))
 'next i
 'calculate scaling to fit the window
 'plot the fft graph
 for i=0 to n/2-2
   line i*xgain+xoffs,fm!(i)*ygain+yoffs,(i+1)*xgain+xoffs,fm!(i+1)*ygain+yoffs
 next i
 'add legend
 ? @(mm.hres/2,mm.vres/2+15) "magintude logarithm"
 ? @(5,mm.vres/2+5) str$(ma!,2,2)
 ? @(5,mm.vres-30) str$(mi!,2,2);
 'put marker ticks in multiples of centre frequency
 for i=0 to n/2-2 step cf
   line i*xgain+xoffs,mm.vres/2,i*xgain+xoffs,mm.vres/2+5
   if ((i mod(5*cy)) = 0) then
     line i*xgain+xoffs,mm.vres/2,i*xgain+xoffs,mm.vres/2+15
   end if
 next i
end sub

'convert linear output to logarithmic
sub lin2log
 for i=0 to n/2
   fm!(i)= 20*log(fm!(i)+1e-300)/log(10)
 next i
end sub

Edited 2022-03-02 17:27 by Volhout