PicoGAME 2.0

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Joined: 16/09/2019
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4048
Posted: 10:55am 23 Sep 2024      

  Volhout said  In your source code you say there is no "key up" detect on PS2. However, there is a key specific code when a key is released when reading mm.info(ps2). Maybe that can also be used as "key up" code.

Nope, you misread my comment:

' Note that when using INKEY$ (as opposed to the CMM2 'KEYDOWN' function or
' the PicoMiteVGA 'ON PS2' command) to read the keyboard we cannot detect
' keyup events and instead automatically clear a byte after it is read.

The comment says there is no "key up" for INKEY$.

  matherp said  If it is worth doing, it is easy for the firmware to tell if a PS2 keyboard (or a USB keyboard) has initialised and this could be available via mm.info. However, the firmware can't tell if a PS2 keyboard has been subsequently removed (although that seems a fairly unlikely scenario)

I think that sounds like a good idea. Also I personally don't think you should be concerned about the behaviour if the user is doing the "Hokey Cokey" with either keyboards or controllers. If they insist on plugging/unplugging whilst a £10 computer is running then that is their malfunction not the firmware's.

Best wishes,

Edited 2024-09-23 21:06 by thwill