PicoMite: Possible console timing issue with V5.05.05 betas

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Joined: 07/10/2011
Location: Australia
Posts: 1329
Posted: 11:37am 21 Sep 2022      

Problem solved!
Left it for a few days but tried it again after loading Peter's release of V5.07.05RC1 last night. The same problem i.e. the RUN command returning a "[" to the console and then hanging, was still there so I tried some other changes. Turns out the position of the PWM statement was the problem.
My setup has Pin 4 (PWM out) directly connected to Pin 9 (count in) as a high resolution timer to decode 433MHz transmissions a la TassyJim and Disco4now, so it may be a particular case.

Original code.
' Pico Pin Settings
 Const highrestimer = 9, receiveblip = 11  'Pico pins 9 & 11 (GP6 & GP8)
 SetPin 4, PWM1A
 PWM 1,10000,50 'PWM1A pin 4 out to high resol'n timer on counting pin 9 (GP6).
 SetPin 9,CIN   'input (counting) pin for the high resolution timer.
 SetPin 11,INTL,blip  'input (receive) pin for data out (DO) of the 433MHz receive module.
 SetPin 16,17,I2C   'DA & CLK pins for the BME280

Changed code - as noted.
' Pico Pin Settings
 Const highrestimer = 9, receiveblip = 11  'Pico pins 9 & 11 (GP6 & GP8)
 SetPin 4, PWM1A
 SetPin 9,CIN   'input (counting) pin for the high resolution timer.
 SetPin 16,17,I2C   'DA & CLK pins for the BME280
'  The "SetPin 11,INTL,blip" statement was moved to just before "Main" do loop.
'  but DID NOT fix the problem.

'  The "PWM 1,10000,50" statement was then moved to just before "Main" do loop.
'  and DID fix the problem.

' Main - modified as above and now working correctly.
 RTC gettime
 Pause 100
 PWM 1,10000,50 'PWM1A pin 4 out to high resol'n timer on counting pin 9 (GP6)
 Blit read #1,MM.HRes-90,60,60,200   'store the blank scrolling area of the screen.
 bme280_init           'must be run before pressure or humidity
 SetTick 30000,BME     'read presuure every 30 secs.
 SetPin 11,INTL,blip   'interrupt receive pin for data out (DO) of the 433MHz module.
 Print "BME`C  BME%RH  BMEHg  Ch1`C Ch1%RH Ch2`C Ch2%RH"

I couldn't see anything in the manual about this being something to watch out for but it might be a good idea to mention it.
