Haha, yep. I'm sure they will work fine and I bet I won't be the only one who's interested to see how well they work. If my large transformer section has issues with mosfets, I may have to change to IGBTs myself.
I am very happy with the layout of mine ... very easy for access and to work on, though in looking at it the other night I realised I could have made it far more compact if I was really trying to save space. It would be much more difficult to service if I did it that way, so I'm happy to leave it as it is.
As soon as I have fitted all the mosfets and the capacitors, I'll post some photos.
I did twist up the cable for the smallest two transformers ... and will probably do the same for the third one ... but the big one needs 13 metres and 32 strands of 1.7mm ... so had to bite the bullet and find some suitable cable.
You're still way in front of me time wise, I started a couple years ago and then gave up for a while, then started again. I can see the end in sight now so will definitely keep going.
Thanks for pointing that out. I'm not sure why I didn't realise they were plugged into a socket ... it may have been the open sided sockets that threw me ... I'm used to the closed ones.