ILI9488 MISO Fault Question

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Posted: 05:27pm 02 Nov 2022      

  phil99 said  That the BC557 needs such a low value base resistor suggests that it is marginal in this application, but if it works it will do.

After rearranging / cleaning up my breadboard, which involved moving the transistor circuit and using shorter jumpers, it failed again.
I turned the BC557 around, e to c and c to e, and it worked again.
Looks like the BC557 was just working and any changes meant having to change and test the circuit again.

I didn't want to deal with this anymore and so I ordered a hand full of PN200 transistors, which should come in any day now, and have the correct value resistors on hand.

Oh, I totally missed your updated post with the diodes....
Thanks for confirming RGB 6-6-6 colour code.
Edited 2022-11-03 03:29 by DrifterNL