ILI9488 MISO Fault Question

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Joined: 25/06/2022
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Posted: 04:32pm 28 Nov 2022      

  phil99 said  Tested it with 1n4007, 1n914, 1n4148 and resistors from 3k3 to 10k.
All work with this test program.

Perhaps the touch chip was damaged if you connected it without a resistor or diode in series with LCD_SDO. When idle it is active low so when the touch T_DO goes high it is driving in to a very low resistance (about 40 ohms).

To test this remove the diode and resistor and leave LCD_SDO unconnected. Then try to calibrate touch. If touch won't work with nothing else sharing MISO it may be damaged.

removed the diode and 10k and disconnected lcd miso then touch do and it did the gui calibrate and test??? weird. it is not to supposed to work.

Edited 2022-11-29 04:01 by stanleyella