Hopefully? Another 48vdc-240vac Toriod Inverter build.

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Joined: 13/10/2014
Location: Australia
Posts: 1625
Posted: 09:16am 07 Jun 2023      

Hi Klaus,

Most of these things turn out to be semi-useful but this surprised me, and running on a battery with good life is also a plus.

The only thing to be careful with is this:

The input range on lower sensitivity, like 20mv, 40mv, 100mv per division can catch you out when using DC coupling and moving the vertical display position cursor to the bottom of the screen, which is what I do when reading from a sensor that has only positive displacement output from zero.

The input appears to be designed for typical sinewave input shown as +- around center, cursor at center of the screen. It appears that the input amps overload and peak clip if you try to show a signal that is a full screen positive going waveform starting from the bottom of the screen.

On higher settings like 500mv per division, which should be used for the Sensor I have anyway, the head room is fine if the Cursor is moved to the Base line. No clipping on full screen and the correct voltages are displayed.  

Hope that makes sense.