MMEdit V5.2

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Joined: 07/08/2011
Location: Australia
Posts: 6120
Posted: 07:59pm 12 Oct 2023      

I am having trouble seeing the issue here.

The problem when you close tabs was very much a problem with V5.2.0 but I thought it was fixed in 5.2.1
I have done some more work in that area so hopefully I have fixed it properly in 5.2.2 which I will try and send out in a day or two.

When you send from the micromite listing to the editor, a copy of the listing should be in your clipboard.

If you forget to open MMEdit before sending the listing, the copy will still be in the clipboard so you can then open the editor and a new tab then "paste" the listing. No need to go via another text editor.
Please try a "send listing to editor" and then open up your text editor and "paste" so we can see if the comment indenting is lost there.

In my image, I am using a WEBmite to connect with.
No lines or formatting are lost.
I also opened MMCC first, followed by MMEdit.

The issue might be related to a problem with TABs which I am working on. I have found that cause and nearly finished the code.
I also have a strange problem with highlighting user variables which has also been tracked down and the fix will be in the next release.

It might help if you send me a copy of MMEdit5.inf, just in case there is a setting I need to test.
