MMEdit V5.2

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Joined: 07/08/2011
Location: Australia
Posts: 6160
Posted: 07:27am 13 Oct 2023      

I have posted an update to MMEdit - V 5.2.2
I recommend users of V5.2.0 and 5.2.1 upgrade.
There were far too many bugs in those versions.

I think I have squashed all known bugs although not sure about Volhouts problem.

User variables were highlighting strings as well under some circumstances.

TAB characters were causing grief. I do recommend sticking to space characters rather than TABs but TABs shouldn't upset things.

For the WEBmite, I now use my own inbuilt TFTP so there is no longer any need to configure an external program. I still need to work on the error messages.
Microsofts TFTP was saving files on the PC as read-only!

I keep fiddling with XMODEM resulting in yet more speed.

I will update the Help files when time permits.
