MMEdit V5.2

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Joined: 05/03/2018
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 4562
Posted: 12:04pm 27 May 2024      

Hi JIm,

The PicoVGA is remembered now, and restored. Good !!

Opening the filemanager while the picomiteVGA is in mode 2 still shows the EPOCH error. After you issue the MODE 1 command there is a delay (few seconds). Maybe intentionally. The file manager opens correctly after these few seconds.

When closing the file manager, you issue a MODE 2 command, but no <CR>. Meaning that the PicomiteVGA never returns to mode 2. When I manually type a <CR> on the PS2 keyboard all is dandy (=okay).

I hope this helps. Would you like to have a PicoMiteVGA ? I can send you one if you like ? I still have few of these small basic PicomiteVGA boards from Micks design that I could build one up and send you.

Edited 2024-05-27 22:06 by Volhout