MMEdit V5.2

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Joined: 07/08/2011
Location: Australia
Posts: 6160
Posted: 09:27pm 27 May 2024      

Thanks for the comments.
I have already added the missing lineendings.

Most of the replies to commands are hidden in MMCC. Without a monitor connected, I can't see any local text.
I have the parts to assemble a picoVGA, just not the time this week. I do have the firmware loaded.

The epoch line you are seeing is:
If epoch(NOW) < 1000000000 then Date$ = "28/05/2024" : Time$ = "07:07:46"

with the appropriate date.
There will be an error if the firmware doesn't have the epoch command but that is not an issue here.

A lot of the delay in opening the file manager window is due to the time it takes to list the files. I do this before opening the window. I fount that more reliable than opening the window first.

I have far too many hard coded devices in the code and I am removing as many as I can, relying on the inf file to hold the device variations. That will make the program more future proof when the inevitable new device appears.
That is this weeks target.
