ArmmiteF407 V5.07.02 betas - Library - No Battery and more.

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Joined: 05/10/2019
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 6024
Posted: 07:38am 07 Sep 2023      

I've ordered some prototype PCBs to act as adapters for ArmMite F4 to SSD1963 5inch parallel displays. They should also be fine with other sizes but you may have to be creative with fixings.

The main difference is that the Armmite F4 is a true piggy-back, all the IO pins face backwards, away from the display, for easy access. It will fit entirely behind a 4.3 inch display. The PCB includes a regulator for the backlight of the larger displays and a PS/2 keyboard socket. It also has a connector to take a ESP8266-01S or JDY-40, for which an adapter PCB is included. I also designed an adapter for the HC-12 but when I included it the board went above 100x100 and became too expensive! There is still space to fit the NRF24L01 as well if required.

No gerbers yet. I want to test this before I release it. I may sell the three/four that I have no use for as mounting kits complete with the necessary screws and spacers, if anyone is interested. Cost will be pretty low, but postage may be an issue, particularly outside the UK. Normally I'd be happy to give them away, but I'm seriously short of hobby cash now!