PicoMiteVGA - change to edit, please test and comment

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Joined: 04/08/2023
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Posted: 02:15pm 18 Sep 2023      

Thanks Peter

I can confirm that it operates as advertised with a few 'features' :)

edit "index.html" opens without colour coding.

F1 with no changes makes no changes.

F1 with changes saves index.html and creates a file index.html.bak.

edit "index.html. <-- no trailing " opens the file in the editor.

edit 'index.html" <-- NB single opening quote, opens the program memory in the editor {accidentally found :)}

edit "index.html/bak" opens a blank EDITor which won't F1 with Error : Entry is a dir {another typing accident}

edit "index.html.bak" opens fine but not sure what happens when the ?63 character? path/filename limit is exceeded with the .bak?

This will help with non bas file tweaks in the dev cycle. Many thanks