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Joined: 04/01/2010
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Posts: 164
Posted: 11:13pm 07 Feb 2024      

  Quote   This roof is solar panels.

Someone's got to mention that it seems to be nighttime in the the last pic  

I admire your enthusiasm but can't help feel that even if the charging infrastructure was working everywhere that there aren't a few fundamental shortcomings to be resolved in the entire EV scheme.

It seems to me that, whilst the idea has merit, the idea of replacing existing ICE vehicles in a similar way/use isn't going to work with the technology currently available (or in use). We have ICE's built like barges weighing in the 1000's of kg being used to cart a 100kg human around the place. Most of the commercial EV's seem to be trying the same concept. I don't know the answer but it just seems counterintuitive to me. It's just highlighting the shortcomings of the current EV's.

A (very) wise engineer taught me about the 'laughter test'©™ early on in my career and it was a lesson well learnt. He said you stand back and watch a group of people in a meeting spending hours debating a subject/design/decision and finally they write up their conclusion on the white board, they stand back and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. He said you then wait for the (with all due respect) the cleaner to walk into the room and look at the white board, if they wet themselves laughing at the conclusion then it's probably a pretty stupid idea and it's failed the 'laughter test'©™.
I'm envisaging the cleaner's in the automotive companies producing ICE barge replacements with a like for like EV version busily mopping up the remnants of the 'laughter test'©™

All that said, keep at it Trev, I'm enjoying your journey's and someone's got to get out there and do it.

[edit] ps. Just had a re-read of my post, I'm not having a crack at you Trev. I suspect the 'T'rev' is leaning more towards what should be rather than the auto industry trying to shove multi tonne barges with a battery inside at us and expecting to be patted on the back.
Edited 2024-02-08 10:06 by greybeard