Inverter building using Wiseguys Power board and the Nano drive board

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Joined: 13/10/2014
Location: Australia
Posts: 1688
Posted: 04:43am 25 Apr 2024      

A note on the Nano boards:

First, some clones use the MEGA328PB version of the MEGA328P, the PB version has 2 pins 3 and 6 for an extra I2C bus, pins 3 = GND and 6 = VCC in the 328P, apparently some clones with the 328PB have these wired to GND and VCC - so can't be used in any case, as were are not setting these pins as outputs there appears to be no problem with using these boards.

I have some of the clone boards with the MEGA328PB, they all work fine:

Some Nano boards use the Old boot-loader, some use the new boot-loader, the main difference is the port speed, 115200 baud for the New boot-loader and 57600 baud for the old boot-loader.

If you can't program the HEX code into a Nano and it gives a message about not accessing the port or timing out after X retries, it may be a Nano board with the old boot loader, so change the port speed in the Program below: Easy!

Here is a link for downloading the program to burn HEX files to the Nano.  


If anyone is interested I can post a Screenshot of the correct settings for the Nano used in the Nano controller. All you need is a PC and the program - no other hardware, it simply plugs into the USB port on the Nano. This is a stand alone program, just download the Portable version for your OS and unzip into a directory.

This will take you to the download page - select portable:

Edited 2024-04-25 17:51 by KeepIS