Inverter building using Wiseguys Power board and the Nano drive board

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Joined: 11/02/2018
Location: Australia
Posts: 2281
Posted: 12:53am 07 May 2024      

A capacitor can be connected across the contacts to divert the current around them while they open, preventing an arc.
I had success with 100µF / 100V on a 50V battery system to isolate a 15A load. When that worked I didn't try any other values thus don't know what the optimum is so that may have been overkill.

Higher voltages and currents may require higher values.
Edited 2024-05-07 10:55 by phil99

Footnote added 2024-05-07 15:00 by phil99
Forgot to mention, to avoid 'splatting' the contacts when the relay closes a 2R2 is in series with the capacitor.