Posted: 05:23am 22 Mar 2024 |
A more accurate way to get the 4.5mS pause. The other was dependant on the CPU speed of the F4.
Do 'Your program here. Input "Enter Device and Key codes "; dev, key NECsend IRpin, dev, key Loop
Sub NECsend IRpin As integer, dev As integer, key As integer 'Version for ARMmite F407 MMBasic Version 5.07.02b2 Local integer word, d(1389), m, n = 1, c(671)
word = (dev<<16) + (key<<8) + 255-key 'assemble 32 bits
Math set 14 , c() '13=1000/(38*2)uS duration of a half cycle @ 38kHz Math set 14 , d() '13=1000/(38*2)uS duration of a half cycle @ 38kHz
BitBang bitstream IRpin, 670, c() 'send 9ms start 38kHz Timer =0 For m = 43 To 1387 Step 42 'load data after start sequence d(m) = (((word>>(32-n)) AND 1)*2 + 1) * 562.5 'convert bits to duration (short = 0, long = 1) Inc n 'step to next data bit Next Do : Loop Until Timer > 4.3 BitBang bitstream IRpin, 1387, d() 'send the data
Pin(IRpin) = 0 End Sub Edited 2024-03-22 15:24 by phil99 |