Posted: 07:00am 22 Mar 2024 |
Thankyou for such prompt attention. Not serious issues as there are simple ways to cope with both.
Yet another revision. Array c() is unnecessary.
Do 'Your program here. Input "Enter Device and Key codes "; dev, key NECsend IRpin, dev, key Loop
Sub NECsend IRpin As integer, dev As integer, key As integer Local integer word, d(1389), m, n = 1
word = (dev<<16) + (key<<8) + 255-key 'assemble 32 bits
Math set 14 , d() '13=1000/(38*2)uS duration of a half cycle @ 38kHz
BitBang bitstream IRpin, 670, d() 'send 9ms start 38kHz Timer =0 For m = 43 To 1387 Step 42 'load data after start sequence d(m) = (((word>>(32-n)) AND 1)*2 + 1) * 562.5 'convert bits to duration (short = 0, long = 1) Inc n 'step to next data bit Next Do : Loop Until Timer > 4.3 BitBang bitstream IRpin, 1387, d() 'send the data
Pin(IRpin) = 0 End Sub
Edited 2024-03-22 17:09 by phil99
Footnote added 2024-03-24 07:25 by phil99 In the event that the program using the NECsend Sub is also using the Timer odd things may hapen when the Sub resets it. These mods fix that.
T = Timer + 4.3 For ... Next Do : Loop Until T < Timer
Footnote added 2024-03-24 07:30 by phil99 Also add this line.
Local Float T |