Very weird LCD problem...

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Posted: 09:19pm 08 May 2024      

Every element of this thread has been instructive, every suggestion informative.  We all make schoolboy mistakes - goodness I have quite a history of them!  I must say that your level of persistent determination is quite astounding; I would have binned the thing with some unprintable dialogue much earlier in the process.


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Posted: 12:08am 09 May 2024      

  Volhout said  Grogster,

You can always say that the box with 1703 regulators also fell on the floor, at the same time the 10-100-1k resistors fell...




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Posted: 12:12am 09 May 2024      

@ circuit: Thank you for your kind words.    I did just about bin the damn thing, and you're quite correct - it WOULD have been alongside some....colourful language.  

At one point in the thread, it was suggested that I build another board, which I WAS about to do, had my error not been found.  In that case, the 2nd board probably would have worked fine, as for that assembly, I most likely would have used the correct regulator, and would then have decided conclusively, that the fault was something obscure on the 1st board - when in reality, it was not.

I do love a good electronic mystery, but it's a little embarrassing when you find that the fault.....was YOU(meaning me)!