CMM2 Assembler

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Joined: 16/09/2019
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4150
Posted: 11:11am 22 Apr 2024      

  joker said  Hallo,
I'm referring to
where someone did an assembler in another Basic dialect. I studied the source ( and it doesn't look that complicated.

Ah, I vaguely remember now, shortly before life and work overwhelmed @jirsoft.

I didn't pay a lot of attention at the time as my involvement would have been all talk and no trousers. Ideally I guess we would want inline assembler (c.f. BBC Micro), which assuming you could get assembly on the CMM2 to work at all (in BASIC or otherwise) it probably wouldn't be too great a leap to move it into the firmware.

  joker said  I have written software for almost 40 years now, starting with Basic/Assembler on a C64, Assembler/C on an Amiga, C,C++,python,Java on GNU/Linux. I don't know if by skills are sufficient enough writing an Assembler for the CMM2. I haven't done this before, but this is part of the fun, isn't it?

Sounds like you might be the man for the job .

  joker said  If you want to learn more about my programming skills I would recommend to have a look on my work:Air Rescue, Fort Micromite and CMM2Profiler and see for yourself.

I pay a casual interest but at the moment if I spend much time looking at other people's projects I don't have enough left for my own. Nevertheless keep up the good work .

Best wishes,
