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Joined: 09/12/2009
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Posted: 12:15pm 10 Feb 2014      

There is also freecad, which is an open source 3d parametric cad tool.

HeeksCNC is another open source solution. I've not played with it ages, but it seems to be in active development. These days it seems to do both CAD and CAM in the the one package, though I could have that wrong.

Vectric Aspire 4 seems really good, especially for wood carving, shaping and 2.5d type stuff. Its supposed to be good for 3d work as well, but I've not seen it used much that way. Again, its a CAD and CAM combination, however its also pretty expensive. I think the full version runs to $2000. Vectric also has a bunch of other, more reasonably priced bundles. Cut2d (lots of people seem to like it) is about $150. Cut3d is $300. PhotoVCarve is $150. Definately check out the trial versions and make sure it will do what you want before you commit the big bucks. Check out their monthly projects too - well worth a look.

I've also heard very good things about MeshCAM. It can apparantly handle most standard 3d model formats and does 3d machining. its got a 15 day trial, so you can try before you buy. Cost is $250.
MeshCAM at grz software

I'm pretty sure all of them have videos on youtube which would be worth checking out.