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Joined: 09/12/2009
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Posts: 221
Posted: 09:16pm 02 Jan 2015      

Hi Bryan, I don't know if you want to spend the bucks, but depending on your stepper motor amperage a tinyg or similair might be worth looking into. cost is about $130 US.

It plugs into a USB port, and you just feed it g-code files. It handles all the g-code to movement stuff, which means you can use a pretty crappy computer.

I went the holes in MDF with threads tapped route initially with my spoil board as well. I found the mdf pulled up around the holes, particularly if I was doing fairly rapid cornering. that pulls on the work piece a lot.

My current spoil board has pockets the same size and shape as a 1/4" nut cut in the bottom, with a hole going all the way through. I bought a couple of 50 pack 1/4" nuts for $3.50 (at bunnings) and stuck them in the pockets with a bit of super glue. It seems to work much better.