Read Me. Guidelines for this section.

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Admin Group

Joined: 05/06/2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 5051
Posted: 04:49am 24 Nov 2011      

Posting Guidelines for the Maximites, PicAxes and other micro controllers section of TheBackShed forums.

Due to the many different microcontroller platforms, we've decided to trial a "prefix tag" for new posts. For many years the Piclist ( has used a prefix tag in the subject line of each message to identify the type of message being posted to the forum, like [PIC], [AVR], [SX], etc.

For this forum we can use (MM) for MaxiMite, (DM) for DuinoMite, and this could even be extended to (PX) for Picaxes, and (MC) for all other micro controllers. For example, (PX)Picaxe LCD driver means this is a discussion about the PicAxe microcontroller. You'll notice I've used round brackets instead of square brackets, because this forum software tries to interpret anything inside a square bracket as formatting and we may get some unexpected effects if we use square brackets.

Members will be able to immediately identify what the message contents will be, and anyone with zero interest in the subject matter can skip the message, or at least not complain if they go ahead and read the message.

This also allows readers that have an interest in multiple platforms, to have access to all messages.

If the message crosses several platforms, a tag such as (MM-DM) could be used.

It will be up to the individual poster to add these prefixes, it isn't mandatory, and I would hope that it will be self regulating, which should make your The Back Shed forum visit, a much more enjoyable experience.

As of January 2012 this forum is no longer to be used for Maximite or Duinomite support questions. If you have a firmware bug, want to make a suggestion, etc, then you need to contact the support person or place for your microncontroller module. I've added a list to the bottom of this post.

This forum is here for members who want to share or need help with a microcontroller based project, be it a software application or hardware. Its not here to discuss open source verses closed source, why a controller lacks a feature, etc. Any such posts or posts that I see could cause a flame war will be removed.


PicAxe :
Maximite :
Duinomite :

Edited by Gizmo 2014-04-18
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is right now.