AXFX White Pointer 2.5

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Joined: 15/07/2006
Location: Australia
Posts: 639
Posted: 11:48pm 13 Aug 2012      

The magnets are fitted, they are the same magnets as used in my original AXFX, N50M, 50mm diameter x 12mm thick. Used some timber cut to the right size as spacers between the magnets. Painted with zinc rich and then epoxy enamel.

Then it was time to get the old White Pointer 2.5 F&P down. It is the first one ever built, back when the business was called Foundry and Fibreglass. It was a little dirty, had some fungus growing on it. So after stripping it, it was washed and polished. Love your work Marcy. Dad helped too. Some minor repairs also made. The leading edge of the blades were chipped. They were filled and sanded off. Some places on the blades and tail had seperated, only minor stuff, nothing serious. Dad did all the repairs, while I was off teaching. I love teaching, but sometimes I do miss the time in the shed.

Trev @