New Book, Making a 6kW OzInverter

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Joined: 08/05/2019
Location: Brazil
Posts: 69
Posted: 02:42pm 01 Jun 2019      

  Clockmanfr said   Arthur,

I am awaiting the new OzInverter Workshop Manuals books, and will put the PAYPAL links up on my various websites within the next 10 days.

If Bruce can not get you some Madness boards. Then I can send to you what you want.

BUT, Please put in the PAYPAL comments/notes section when you purchase through PAYPAL,.....

that you understand that Tracking from EUROPE to BRAZIL does not work in Brazil, and that you are willing to wait for a normal Postal delivery .......

As I said before delivery to the Client in Brazil by normal post takes up to 16 weeks.

My Eldest teenager has just had me in front of a Ozinverter for my French Friend and done a new UTUBE vid. Its a rough video and it was late so my brain is not so active. Play spot the mistakes, got 4 so far.

Excelent video, clock. My inverter will be something well-made like your is. I just love it.

Let me know when the book is ready for selling so i can take a look.
