Posted: 07:51am 17 Jan 2023 |
I have improved the nano/picoverter firmware, making the PWM pulsetrain perfectly symmetrical about the zero crossing points.
The results are good. (I don't know why I could not get to this point before. Maybe I needed a couple of years away from the problem.)
This is the gate drive for V1 and V2 1/2 bridge drives. In the past there was always a bit extra pulses just after zero crossing.
I have not tested this on a real live inverter yet so there could be a nasty surprise but I doubt it.
to get this two areas of the code needs to be changed. First, I needed to make the 1/2 sine wave lookup table finish exactly at Pi radians.
It is now:
void setup() { int i; float t,u; for(t=0.0,i=0; i < NPWM; i++,t += 3.14159/ (float) (NPWM-1)) { u = 65535.0 * sin(t); // 1/2 wave sine lookup table, scaled to (16 bits - 1) l[i] = (int)u; } ...
Note the small change to the loop.
the other change was to the main interrupt loop, that produces the inverter's PWM sine wave
// // 20Khz SPWM, code has only 50uS to run, takes about 10uS // ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) { long c; if (pcount == 0) if (v1low == 1) // if first 1/2 wave.. { TCCR1A = _BV(COM1B1) | _BV(WGM11); // config output compare to suit } else { TCCR1A = _BV(COM1A1) | _BV(WGM11); // config O.C. to suit } c = (l[pcount] * vpwr) >> 16; // scale sine wave by vpwr, 32 bit integer calcs. 16 bit shift fastest of all if (v1low == 1) // alternate between 2 output compare pins. Get a full 50Hz waveform { OCR1B = c; // was c 1/2 out this pin } else { OCR1A = c; // and then 1/2 out this pin. } pcount ++; if(pcount >= NPWM) // pcount will = NPWM, at each 1/2 wave, at the start { pcount = 0; // reset counter uf=1; // enable one PID control loop execution, in loop() if (v1low == 1) // if first 1/2 wave.. { v1low = 0; // toggle to 2nd half wave sbi(PORTD,7); //DSO pulse } else { v1low = 1; // toggle to 1st half wave cbi(PORTD,7); } }
The changes were 2 fold. One was to time the changeover of D9 to D10 PWM at exactly the best time which is before I write the new PWM width for pulse number 0 for a train of pulses numbering from 0 to NPWM - 1
The next thing was to do this changeover before I wrote the new PWM width.
The sync pulse out D7 is now 2 PWM pulses early but the pulse train is now symmetrical, probably to the nearest clock cycle. |