Various aspects of home brew inverters

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Joined: 09/08/2007
Location: Australia
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Posted: 11:37am 04 Jun 2017      

All very true.

The air cored coil I mentioned earlier was actually half the primary removed from a 150 amp "buzz box" stick welder. It had about 120 turns of about 3mm diameter solid copper wire.
It started to complain if a sheet of aluminium came any closer to it than about 35mm.

I expect Klaus's choke to have about 100uH and several hundred amps saturation, and the resistance would be very low.
Again a wild guess, but say mean length of turn 250mm, ten turns with tails, maybe 3m total wire length. If its 25mm^ 2 wire ? Only 2.06 milliohms.
Cheers,  Tony.