Various aspects of home brew inverters

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Joined: 07/11/2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 1904
Posted: 08:20am 09 Jul 2018      

  Warpspeed said   Its getting late here now, but tomorrow I will give the multimeter method a try.
We are not that far above 50Hz, so just about any multimeter should work quite well for this method.

Today's results: 1st column = 0.47//0.33uF 2nd = 0.47//0.47uF.
It appears the forum deletes the spaces I left between the columns, I hope you can make it out. I deliberately set the amplitude below 2 Volt as that gave me 1.000 accuracy.

40Hz 1.847V 1.885V
50Hz 1.922 1.939
55Hz 1.936 1.939
60Hz 1.946 1.946
65Hz 1.952 1.948
70Hz 1.955 1.947
75Hz 1.956 1.942
80Hz 1.953 1.936
85Hz 1.949 1.936
90Hz 1.943 1.916
100Hz 1.927 1.888
120Hz 1.883 1.823
150Hz 1.794 1.705
180Hz 1.692 1.579

I also did this test with 1uF & 2uF capacitors. 1uF had the peak at 65Hz, 2uF below 40Hz.
