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Forum Index : Solar : and now it begins...

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Joined: 02/02/2017
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Posted: 06:16am 25 Feb 2023
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wronger than a phone book full of wrong phone numbers


Joined: 02/02/2017
Location: Australia
Posts: 1404
Posted: 06:19am 25 Feb 2023
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"Energy distributors including Ausgrid have this week submitted plans to regulators that will see households charged between 0.94 cents per kilowatt hour (c/Kwh) to 3.6 c/Kwh for exported energy, above set limits."


this is not fantasy, it's what we get when we have Regulatory Capture.
The people who make the rules are owned by those who make the money from the rules.

Feed-in never looked good to me and now it's some stinking corpse, and nobody wants to deal with it.
wronger than a phone book full of wrong phone numbers


Joined: 11/02/2018
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Posted: 06:38am 25 Feb 2023
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Paying to use their "poles and wires" for exported energy might be reasonable if they paid a fair rate for that energy and we weren't already paying for the "poles and wires" in the Daily Service Charge.

Joined: 26/09/2020
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Posted: 08:16am 25 Feb 2023
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It sounds like they are trying to kill of roof top solar.
I guess that people will have to have some sort of smart meter that allows them to use all their solar generated power during the day in their houses, rather than exporting any.
Oh there is a way, have a battery.
Yep I have had that system now for over 40 years , it works great, I have no poles and wires to help pay for.
Unfortunately there is a  high voltage powerline that runs through our property to power infrastructure on the top of the mountain. I am hoping one day that the supply authority will see that it is cheaper to put stand alone power up there.
There is a transmitter for Air Services, and also two TV towers.
I can only hope. The power mob are painful Bs who think that they own the power corridor and can do whatever they like.

Joined: 03/06/2019
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Posted: 09:25am 25 Feb 2023
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This stinks on so many levels. The first think to remember is these companies are making over $3 BILLION a year PROFIT in this country. ( look it up and see.).

Keep that in mind when they bleat about their costs and having to pass them on to consumers and " Working hard to keep prices down" complete and utter bullsh*t.

My neighbour and now good friend is a high up in a power co and even he says the whole system stinks and is corrupt to the core.  He is getting out in the next month or so as he believes that are going to deliberately crash the grid and he wants no part of the aftermarth.  he is buying panels off me and we are setting up off grid systems because we both have no faith in the reliability of the grid.

The insult to the consumer in all this charging for exports is that it is just a rort to keep the solar farms they are STILL building while saying there is too much solar justified in getting gubbermint grants to pay for them.

My neighbour says there are a heap of projects under way from batteries to interconnects that in reality are useless but keeping people in jobs especially the higher echelon that get fat bonuses and kickbacks.

This export tax has been kicking around for a while. what is also telling is that all the green washed concerns have said nothing about it. If they are so worried about the planet and environment etc, why aren't they screaming their proverbials off about this? because they are bought and paid for is why to only further the interests of certain groups where there is a green dollar involved.  

It's all well and good to keep the lights on in your home with batteries but when there is no power for supermarkets, servos, shopping centres and business and industry, that's something else.
We can see what happens in places like california when places there had outages and  people were pretty much starving in the middle of big citys. No power for water pumping, sanitation and so it went. a LOT was covered up but a friend of mine lives there and what he tells me went on.....

The thing with encouraging people on grid to have batteries is a giant crock. You CANNOT save money with a battery  if you are grid connected, end of story. What they want to do is con people to  get batteries in order to geed back to prop the grid up  to save the power co's the expense.

It's the exact same reason they encouraged solar in the first place and had interest free loans and 60C kwh paybacks and all the rest of it. the grid was crashing then, they knew they had no hope of catching up so they encouraged solar to take off the burden and buy them some time. Now it's become too successful, they are trying to
work out how NOT to be a Kodak and a victim of their own creation.

I guess the next popular things for the boffins here will not be designing inverters but export limiters, Giant diodes for AC so it can only go one way.

I also think this export business will turn. There will be a point, in the very near future where they struggle to provide sufficient power especially at night and they will go into a bidding war to get what they can from people.
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