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Forum Index : Other Stuff : Flu season

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Joined: 31/07/2019
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Posted: 10:52am 10 Jun 2022
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So I guess the flu is spreading as an epidemic  ?  It must be rife in Sydney at least.
Stay-at-home dork me caught it a few days ago, I gave no idea how. It is not as bad as the worse ones so I guess that is a consolation, but maybe I have a little resistance remaining from years ago.
There was a tablet called "Codral" which was good, with pseudoephedrine to stop the gunk and sneezing and codeine to stop the aches, coughing and fever. Of course now the nanny state has enforced the use of alternatives [edit - to codeine].. which hardly work at all.   And I "think" paracetamol is basically a placebo. So blah.

Anyway I have resorted to Plan B which is a goodly dose of scotch whisky...good stuff !!
And I can report, mixing equal parts whisky and rum (sorry for the sacrilege) yields quite an interesting combo ... not distinctive but very very smooth. Don't know much about which labels though -  more experimentation is required      
Keep healthy everyone.
Edited 2022-06-10 22:06 by zeitfest

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Posted: 06:27am 11 Jun 2022
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"To alcohol!  The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems." - Homer Simpson.

Never tried mixing whiskey and rum - that's an interesting combination.
Black rum like Coruba?
Or white rum like Bacardi?

I'm going to assume black.

Personally, I have found the entire coof thing to be quite stressful at my end of things also, and have taken to having a few strong ones each night to take the edge off, help me relax, and it also seems to help me sleep also.

Codeine is highly addictive isn't it?  That might explain why.  But then, if on prescription from a doctor, one would think you should be OK, but I have heard of people OD'ing on prescription meds also, so.....

Last time I went to my doctor, I wanted him to give me some sleeping pills, but he did not want to give them to me, as he said THEY can be addictive also, so better to try to find a way to get to sleep naturally.

Not sure if alcohol is quite what he meant by natural.  
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Posted: 08:45pm 11 Jun 2022
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try " sleepeze " grogster, you still need to " get a label from pharmacist " but over the counter... and works well from personal experience...

oh homer... so wise, yet incredibly dumb...
I think it works !!

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Posted: 01:58am 12 Jun 2022
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Yes it was black rum - it was some remnant "kraken" if that counts as black, I rarely drink rum though and it is a cold snap here so I was after something to warm up :)
Personally a good hot fire would be better but an all-electric flat is crap in winter !

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Posted: 06:11am 12 Jun 2022
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@ noneyabussiness - Thanks, I will look that up.  Not sure if we can get it here in Kiwiland, as I don't recognize the name.  However, I will ask at my local pharmacy next time I am there.
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Posted: 01:15am 14 Jun 2022
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Grogster, I had a sleep disorder that meant I was tired all the time, I thought I was sleeping well but was not getting rested, feeling like I had been run over by a bus when I woke and needing to sleep in the afternoon because of extreme exhaustion.
What worked for me and still does it taking Melatonin.
It can be got on script in Oz but of course that needs a doctors appointment etc.
I buy mine from a place called Vitamin Grocers online.
I take a 5mg slow release tablet about an hour to an hour and a half before going to sleep and it has changed my life.
My doctor told me to get it online as it was cheaper that way.

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Posted: 01:12am 15 Jun 2022
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Interesting.  Wish I had your post yesterday, as I had a doctor appointment!  I would have asked him about it.  Oh well.  Win some, lose some.  As I am trying to get off the sauce at this point, I find it really hard to sleep.  This is my body moaning at me.  "Where is my daily dose?!" (of alcohol)

My doctor gave me 2mg Diazepam tablets, but they don't really seem to be doing much either, but it is early days yet.  Two days off now when the rest of the year I was drinking - at least SOMETHING - every single night, so I have developed a bit of a mild addiction I would expect, and so breaking that cycle is going to cause a few restless nights I would expect for probably at least the next week or so.
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Posted: 03:58am 15 Jun 2022
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Fortunately I don't have any great issue with sleep but my wife does. I had heard of a product called "Pure Sleep" developed by Clif High in the US and had been looking into buying some for her to try.

Another subject, but Clif High is a very interesting character to say the least  ...  I heard him interviewed on usawatchdog.com and have watched a bit of his stuff since then.

One thing I heard him say in the sales blurb was that it doesn't have any Melatonin in it which if I recall correctly, he reckons is addictive.

Anyway, we don't have any experience with it yet so can't say whether it's any good or not.

Just google "Clif High" and "Pure Sleep" if you need more info.

All the best with your efforts Grogster and I hope you get through it quickly and easily.
Cheers,  Roger

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Posted: 04:36am 15 Jun 2022
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Hi Roger, melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced in the body in response to falling light levels. That is why people who have trouble sleeping are told not to watch TVs or Computers for a while before trying to go to sleep. The blue light affects the production of Melatonin.
In times past before we had electric lights etc, our natural sleep cycles were determined by the sun. Since we stuffed around with those cycles things have gone haywire.
I have been using Melatonin now for a year or so and it has made a big difference to me.
I can't say whether Cliff High is right or not. But I would find it hard to believe that a hormone produced by the body would become addictive.
Of course one could resort to using herbal sleep enhancers such as Valerian tablets or Tea.
For me Melatonin works like a miracle. No more acting out in dreams, thrashing about in the night and waking feeling like a bus ran me over.

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Posted: 04:41am 15 Jun 2022
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Hi Again Roger, I looked up Cliff High. I remembered after reading a bit about him that a friend of mine was heavily into him years ago. My friend used to tell our small group about all the predictions his computer program had come up with.
Unfortunately over the many years we were told the predictions, not one of them came to pass.
Sorry I have zero faith in anything his data mining comes up with.


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Posted: 02:19pm 09 Feb 2023
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Biology time: Viruses have great difficulty injecting cells with an abundance of Zinc. Zinc is difficult to absorb from the diet. More Zinc is absorbed in the presence of Vitamin D

Abstract: take Vitamin D + Zinc daily (100% RDA of each as a supplement is a good start, no need to go mad - make sure you have no contra-indications with any other meds) to make it difficult for the viruses to enter cells. You'll maybe still get the lurgy but with the viral load greatly reduced, your symptoms will be correspondingly reduced. Been doing this for five years, not had so much as a head-cold in that time... a few sticky throats and sniffy noses but no real bangers. Also, I'm the only person in my extended family to avoid covid, even sharing a house with infected others... tested every time they did, never blinked red. I attribute that to my regimen of making life difficult for the viruses. Bonus: if you decide to start doing this it starts working immediately - you don't have to wait to build up your levels, try it even if you are already suffering to attenuate viral reproduction.

my observations
Edited 2023-02-10 00:23 by CaptainBoing
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