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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : HD44780 commands

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Joined: 19/11/2013
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Posted: 02:52am 20 Oct 2014
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has anyone working sets of commands (LCD CMD /LCD DATA) with examples to use the complete command set of the HD44780, like Scrolling, blinking, shifting etc?

Would be very helpfull for the community.

Preferrable in 8 AND 4 bit Mode.

Thank you.Edited by atmega8 2014-10-21
cosmic frog
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Posted: 03:10am 20 Oct 2014
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Yes I am also interested in this subject. I would like some info on how to make user defined characters. I've looked at the data sheets for lcds but Don't know who to use the DATA to get it to work.



Joined: 19/11/2013
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Posted: 03:35am 20 Oct 2014
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"Preferrable in 8 AND 4 bit Mode."

but i think this will be done by the LCD commands, so this is "transparent" for the micromite, so it will do it in the right way

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Posted: 05:30pm 20 Oct 2014
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This link HD44780 is a pretty good condensed reference. The way that Geoff has implemented the LCD CMD command is very easy to use; it's just e.g. LCD CMD 15, which will turn the cursor on.

However it's not quite as simple as that because if you look at the 'Description' part of the 4th row of the above link, the '15' means DB0-DB3 are all 1's and that command also does these things:

Sets On/Off of all display (D), cursor On/Off (C) and blink of cursor position character (B).

You'll need to make sure that the command numbers you use are going to do what you really want; the easy way is just to try them!

The following program, (mostly in the 'display_menu' and 'set_time' sections, also shows another couple of examples i.e. for LCD CMD 12 & 20. You can see how they work if you compare them to the table in the above link.

The program is reasonably self-documenting but essentially the LCD is used to enter and edit exposure times and uses cursor blinking and positioning to make the data entry easier.


'UVTimer - Author: Greg Yaxley with contributions
'from David Mortimer. 2nd May 2014

'Program to enter, display & control exposure time for
'a UV lamp box using a 4x4 keypad & 4x20 LCD display.
'MicroMite Basic V4.5_28 pin.
OPTION AUTORUN ON 'run on power-up
dutycycle = 80 'default dutycycle for PWM (brightness)
pwm 2,50,dutycycle 'LCD backlight PWM control: Ch 2A, 50Hz 80%
LCD INIT 2,3,4,5, 23,24 'backlight on Ch. 2A (pin 26)
LCD clear
Keypad KeyCode, Key_Int, 15,16,17,18,6,7,9,10
led = 14 'pin no. for lamps-ON led
buzz = 21 'pin no. for buzzer
timeset = 0 'flag: exposure time is not set
pin(led)=0: pin(buzz)=0 'ensure led, lamps and buzzer start OFF
setpin led,DOUT
setpin buzz,DOUT

keycode = 99 'reset keypad
settick 0,0 'turn OFF timer interrupt
lcd cmd 12 'make cursor invisible (turn off)
if timeset = 0 then Mins$ = "00": secs$ = "00" 'default time
lcd 1,1, " Time set = "+ mins$ +":"+ secs$
lcd 2,1, " Brightness * or # "
'lcd 2,c20, "" 'clear LCD line 2
LCD 3,1, "Reset time - Press A"
LCD 4,1, "Lamps ON - Press B"
if keycode = 20 goto set_time 'key A
if keycode = 21 goto lamps_ON 'key B
if keycode = 23 goto display_menu 'key D
if keycode = 10 or keycode = 11 then brightness 'keys * and #

settick 0,0
mins$= "": secs$= "" 'null default time strings
timeset = 0 're-zero time-set flag
lcd 2,c20,"" 'clear LCD line 2 (after a countdown)
lcd 3,1, " Enter set time "
lcd 4,1, " MENU - Press D "
lcd 1,13, "" 'set cursor at 'mins' position
lcd cmd 15 'turn cursor on

for count = 1 to 2 'get the two minutes digits
if keycode = 23 then goto display_menu
if keycode > 9 then goto set_time
mins$ = mins$ + keycode$ 'build mins$
lcd 1,13, mins$ 'display current mins$ string
lcd cmd 20 'move cursor past ":"

for count = 1 to 2 'get the two seconds digits
if keycode = 23 then goto display_menu
if keycode > 9 then goto set_time
if keycode > 5 and count = 1 then
beep (2,100,100) 'out-of-bounds secs entry
goto set_time
secs$ = secs$ + keycode$ 'build secs$
lcd 1,16, secs$ 'display current secs$ string
timeset = 1 'flag: time correctly set
lcd cmd 12 'make cursor invisible (turn off)
'----------end of set_time:------------------

lamps_ON: 'If time is set, turns lamps ON, counts down
if timeset = 0 then beep (2,50,50) '& then turns OFF.
if timeset = 1 then 'Exits if requested.
LCD 3,1, "Reset time - Press A" 'keycode 20
LCD 4,1, "Lamps ON - Press B" 'keycode 21
if keycode = 20 then goto set_time
if keycode = 21 then 'legitimite request for "lamps ON"
setpin led,DOUT 'make lamp/relay pin digital out
setpin buzz,DOUT 'make buzzer pin digital out
lcd 2,1, "Countdown = " +mins$ +":" +secs$ +" "
lcd 3,1, " - LAMPS ON - "
lcd 4,1, "Lamps OFF - Press C "
beep (3,200,200) 'buzz "lamps-ON" - 3 short beeps
mins = val(mins$): secs = val(secs$)
totsecsrem = (mins*60)+secs 'total secs for countdown
pin(led) = 1 'turn ON lamp LED & relay
settick 1000,countdown 'interrupt each second for countdown
do while totsecsrem > 0
if keycode > 21 then exit do 'exit if C or D pressed
settick 0,0 'stop countdown interrupt
beep (1,800,0) 'one long beep = "lamps OFF"
pin(led) = 0 'turn OFF lamp LED & relay
goto display_menu

Key_Int: 'key press detected
keycode$ = str$(keycode)

sub get_keycode
keycode$ = "99"
loop until keycode$ <> "99"
end sub

sub countdown
totsecsrem = totsecsrem - 1 'decrement 1 sec each interrupt
remmins = totsecsrem/60 'convert to mins & mins fraction
dispmins = fix(remmins) 'extract the mins
dispsecs = cint((remmins-dispmins)*60) 'convert fraction to secs
lcd 2,13, str$(dispmins,2,0,"0") +":"+ str$(dispsecs,2,0,"0")
end sub 'display 2 digits for mins & secs, & any leading zeros

sub beep (beeps,ontime,offtime)
for i=1 to beeps
pin(buzz)=1: pause ontime
if i < beeps then pause offtime
End sub

sub brightness
lcd 2,c20,""
if keycode = 11 then dutycycle = dutycycle + 10
if keycode = 10 then dutycycle = dutycycle - 10
if dutycycle < 0 then dutycycle = 0
if dutycycle > 100 then
dutycycle = 100
pwm 2,50,dutycycle
keycode = 99
end sub


Joined: 19/11/2013
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Posted: 04:28am 21 Oct 2014
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Hello Paceman,

thank you very much for your help.
The code may also help me in my "menue Project".
But i will use a Rotary Encoder.

If there is someone out there who has the base of a runnning menue structure controlled by a Rotary Encoder, this will make me happy ? ;-).

I'am playing around with the lcd command, but i have to investigate this deeper.

For example i do not understand how you could know, that lcd 2,c20,"" clears lcd line 2 ???

Can you explain how you find out that this works in this way?
I cannot find any example in the docu about this.

Best would be to provide a table with all the possible commands...

Thank you again ;-)

Joined: 05/04/2013
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Posted: 01:19pm 21 Oct 2014
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  atmega8 said  For example i do not understand how you could know, that lcd 2,c20,"" clears lcd line 2 ???

Can you explain how you find out that this works in this way?
I cannot find any example in the docu about this.

Best would be to provide a table with all the possible commands...

Thank you again ;-)

Take a look at top of Page 41 in User Manual (v4.5D available as the 'current' version on Geoff's website - GeoffG.net)

For everything Micromite visit micromite.org

Direct Email: whitewizzard@micromite.o

Joined: 07/10/2011
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Posted: 01:25pm 21 Oct 2014
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The lcd 2,c20,"" command is one of Geoff Graham's special MMBasic commands for the LCD - see page 40 of the MicroMite User Manual. The 2 refers to the line, the c20 refers to the length of the line and the "" means to fill it with nulls, i.e. blank it.

I haven't tried using a rotary encoder yet, but when you get yours going for input to the LCD, post it for us all.

GregEdited by paceman 2014-10-22
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