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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : CMM2 Turtle Graphics Demos

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Posted: 09:25pm 02 Aug 2020
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Here is a demo using turtle graphics, Each "slide" displays for 10 seconds.

'CMM2 Turtle Graphics Demo
'Adapted from various sources on the Internet
'by "Sasquatch"

Mode 1,8


Draw (500,55.5)

Draw (600,60.2)

Draw (800,89.5)

Draw (900,110)

Draw (1000,119.9)

Draw (1000,120.1)

Draw (1000,135.1)

Draw (1000,145)

Draw (1000,176)

Draw (1000,190)


Sub Draw(Count,Angle)

 Turtle Reset
 N = 5
 A = 90

 For I = 1 To Count
   Turtle Forward N
   A = A + Angle
   Turtle Heading A mod 360
   Turtle Pen Colour Map(I mod 255)
   N = N + 0.5
 Next I

End Sub


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Posted: 09:26pm 02 Aug 2020
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This one uses recursion instead of looping.

' Hilbert Curve using recursion

Mode 1,8

C = 1

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 20,600
Turtle Pen Down

Pause 10000

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 150,550
Turtle Pen Down

'Pause 10000


Sub Hilbert(Level,Angle,Length)
 If Level = 0 Then Exit Sub

 C = C + 0.1
 Turtle Pen Colour Map(C Mod 255)

 Hilbert(Level - 1,0 - Angle, Length)

 Turtle Forward Length
 TurnTurtle(0 - Angle)
 Hilbert(Level - 1,Angle,Length)

 Turtle Forward Length
 Hilbert(Level - 1,Angle,Length)

 TurnTurtle(0 - Angle)
 Turtle Forward Length
 Hilbert(Level - 1,0 - Angle,Length)


End Sub

Sub TurnTurtle(Angle)
 If Angle > 0 Then
   Turtle Turn Right Angle
 Else If Angle < 0 Then
   Turtle Turn Left Abs(Angle)
 End If
End Sub


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Posted: 03:30am 03 Aug 2020
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Recursive Fractal Trees!

' Recursive Fractal Trees

Mode 1,8

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 400,600
Turtle Pen Down



Sub Tree(Length)
 If Length < 1 Then Exit Sub

 If Length > 20 Then
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(139,69,19)
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(34,139,34)

 Turtle Pen Down
 Turtle Forward Length
 Turtle Turn Right 20
 Tree(Length - 15)
 Turtle Turn Left 40
 Tree(Length - 15)
 Turtle Pen UP
 Turtle Turn Right 20
 Turtle Backward Length

End Sub


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Posted: 03:32am 03 Aug 2020
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These Trees include a small amount of randomization making the trees look less uniform and more natural.

' Random Recursive Fractal Trees

Mode 1,8

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 400,600
Turtle Pen Down

For X = 1 to 5
Next X


Sub Tree(Length)
 If Length < 1 Then Exit Sub

 Local RndLength = Length + Rnd * 5
 Local RndAngle = 15 + Int(Rnd * 20.0)

 If RndLength > 20 Then
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(139,69,19)
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(34,139,34)

 Turtle Pen Down
 Turtle Forward RndLength
 Turtle Turn Right RndAngle
 Tree(RndLength - 15)
 Turtle Turn Left RndAngle * 2
 Tree(RndLength - 15)
 Turtle Pen UP
 Turtle Turn Right RndAngle
 Turtle Backward RndLength

End Sub


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Posted: 03:47pm 03 Aug 2020
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Sierpinski's Triangle Recursive Fractal.  If you un-comment the pause statement, you will see that the entire thing is drawn as a series of tiny triangles.

' Sierpinski's Triangle Recursive Fractal

Mode 1,8

Colour 0,RGB(255,255,255)

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 70,575
Turtle Turn Right 90
Turtle Pen Down

Turtle Pen Colour 0



Sub Sierpinski(Length,Level)

 If Level = 0 Then
   For i = 1 to 3
     Turtle Forward Length
     Turtle Turn Left 120
'      Pause(50)
   Next i
   Exit Sub

 Sierpinski(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)
 Turtle Pen Up
 Turtle Forward Length / 2.0
 Turtle Pen Down

 Sierpinski(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)
 Turtle Pen Up
 Turtle Turn Left 120
 Turtle Forward Length / 2.0
 Turtle Turn Right 120
 Turtle Pen Down

 Sierpinski(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)
 Turtle Pen Up
 Turtle Turn Left 60
 Turtle Backward Length / 2.0
 Turtle Turn Right 60
 Turtle Pen Down

End Sub


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Posted: 05:35pm 03 Aug 2020
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Posted: 05:50pm 03 Aug 2020
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The Nautilus

' Square Nautilus Turtle Graphics Demo

Mode 1,8

Size = 275
N = 100
Angle = 10
Ratio = 0.97

Turtle Reset

For i = 1 to N
 'Draw a square
 For j = 1 to 4
   Turtle Forward Size
   Turtle Turn Left 90
 Next j

 'Rinse and Repeat
 Turtle Turn Left Angle
 Size = Size * Ratio

Next i



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Posted: 07:03pm 03 Aug 2020
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Here is a recursive fractal pine tree:

' Recursive Fractal Pine Trees

Mode 1,8

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 400,500
Turtle Pen Down



Sub PineTree(Length,Depth)
'  Print Length
 If Depth <= 0 Then Exit Sub

 If Length > 2 Then
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(139,69,19)  'Make the sticks brown
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(0,100,0)  'Make the needles Green

 Turtle Forward Length
 PineTree(Length * 0.8, Depth - 1)
 Turtle Turn Right 120
 PineTree(Length * 0.5, Depth - 3)
 Turtle Turn Right 120
 PineTree(Length * 0.5, Depth - 3)
 Turtle Turn Right 120
 Turtle Pen Up
 Turtle Backward Length  
 Turtle Pen Down

End Sub

The second version includes a little randomization to make it less uniform

' Random Recursive Fractal Pine Trees

Mode 1,8

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 400,500
Turtle Pen Down



Sub PineTree(Length,Depth)
 If Depth <= 0 Then Exit Sub
 Local Angle = 110 + 20 * Rnd()

 If Length > 5 Then
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(139,69,19)  'Make the sticks brown
   Turtle Pen Colour RGB(0,100,0)  'Make the needles Green

 Turtle Forward Length
 PineTree(Length * 0.8, Depth - 1)
 Turtle Turn Right Angle
 PineTree(Length * 0.5, Depth - 3)
 Turtle Turn Right 120
 PineTree(Length * 0.5, Depth - 3)
 Turtle Turn Right 240 - Angle
 Turtle Pen Up
 Turtle Backward Length  
 Turtle Pen Down

End Sub



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Posted: 10:39pm 03 Aug 2020
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Thank you for all the turtle demos.
It brings back memories of my brother demonstrating turtle drawing 50 years ago.
It was a new thing back then.

My brother went on to be a much better programmer than I will ever be.

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Posted: 11:29pm 03 Aug 2020
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Ok, this one is basically blowing my poor little mind.  

While it doesn't use Turtle Graphics it is a very interesting fractal known as the Barnsley Fern.  I may "need" to do this one as a CSUB to see how fast it will fill.  It would be interesting to zoom in if it would fill in faster.

'Barnsley's Fern

Mode 1,8


G = RGB(0,100,0)

For i = 1 to 1000000

 Select Case Rnd()
   Case IS < .01
     NextX = 0
     NextY = 0.16 * Y
   Case .01 TO .08
     NextX = .2 * X - .26 * Y
     NextY = .23 * X + .22 * Y + 1.6
   Case .08 TO .15
     NextX = -.15 * X + .28 * Y
     NextY = .26 * X + .24 * Y + .44
   Case Else
     NextX = .85 * X + .04 * Y
     NextY = -.04 * X + .85 * Y + 1.6
 End Select

 X = NextX
 Y = NextY

 Pixel X * 100 + 400,600 - Y * 55 ,G

Next i



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Posted: 11:51pm 03 Aug 2020
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Turtle meets Dragon

This is perhaps my favorite fractal line drawing. Especially neat is the way they fit together. In this code, the red and green dragons are identical, just rotated 180 degrees. And they fit together perfectly.

It does look though that rounding errors are creeping into play here. The start point is fixed but the end point should also always end up the same. But if you watch closely between different orders, particularly the higher ones, the end point moves quite a lot. As a result, the green and red dragons must be the same order or they won't line up at all.

Orders higher than 19 don't work because the draw distance becomes less than 1 so nothing beyond a single dot gets drawn.

turtle reset
text 100,500,"Dragon Curve - a Fractal","CT"
 print @(0,520) "Order: (1-19)"
 input "0 to quit: "; dord
loop until dord >= 0 and dord < 20

 if dord = 0 then end

 dord = dord - 1
 dist = MM.HRES/2/(sqr(2)^dord)

 turtle reset
 text 80, 0,"Dragon Curve","CT",2
 text 80,20,"Order:" + str$(dord+1), "CT",2
 turtle pen up   ' no line yet
 turtle move MM.HRES * .25, MM.VRES * .55
 turtle pen down

 turtle heading 90 - (dord MOD 8) * 45
 turtle pen colour rgb(red)

 turtle heading 270 - (dord MOD 8) * 45
 turtle pen colour rgb(green)

   print @(0,520) "Order: (1-19)"
   input "0 to quit: "; dord
 loop until dord >= 0 and dord < 20


sub DrawDragon(ord, sig)
 if ord = 0 then
   turtle forward dist
   DrawDragon(ord-1,  1)
   turtle turn right 90 * sig
   DrawDragon(ord-1, -1)
end sub

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Posted: 12:12am 04 Aug 2020
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  vegipete said  Turtle meets Dragon

This is perhaps my favorite fractal line drawing. Especially neat is the way they fit together. In this code, the red and green dragons are identical, just rotated 180 degrees. And they fit together perfectly.

That is a nice one!  At lower orders it doesn't give any clue as to it's potential.  It amazes me how such a simple looking algorithm can generate something so complex.

Thanks for sharing, if you have any other gems I'd like to see them.

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Posted: 12:46am 04 Aug 2020
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Cool thread, there's some other recursive line fractals I'd like to try if I get time (I think I was inspired by one called the koch curve and I changed things around and got a new one with a kind of hexagonal pattern)

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Posted: 01:32am 04 Aug 2020
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Cool thread, there's some other recursive line fractals I'd like to try if I get time (I think I was inspired by one called the koch curve and I changed things around and got a new one with a kind of hexagonal pattern).

I gave it a quick try by modifying the Sierpinski program above. The rounding errors were already spoiling it before I got as much detail as I wanted. Here's the code I used:

' Hex Gasket Recursive Fractal

Mode 1,8

Colour 0,RGB(255,255,255)

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 70,575
Turtle Turn Right 90
Turtle Pen Down

Turtle Pen Colour 0




Sub Gasket(Length,Level)

If Level = 0 Then
  Turtle Forward Length
'   Pause(50)
  Exit Sub

Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Forward Length
Turtle Pen Down

Turtle Turn Left 120

Gasket(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)

Turtle Turn Left 60

Gasket(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)

Turtle Turn Left 60

Gasket(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)

Turtle Turn Left 120

Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Forward Length
Turtle Pen Down

End Sub

I changed the program to exactly retrace the same lines when going backwards, rather than taking a shortcut. It's more complicated, but it cancels out the rounding errors:

' Hex Gasket Recursive Fractal

Mode 1,8

Colour 0,RGB(255,255,255)

Turtle Reset
Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Move 70,575
Turtle Turn Right 90
Turtle Pen Down

Turtle Pen Colour 0




Sub Gasket(Length,Level)

If Level = 0 Then
  Turtle Forward Length

  Turtle Pen Up
  Turtle Backward Length
  Turtle Pen Down

'   Pause(50)
  Exit Sub

Turtle Turn Left 60

Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Forward Length/2
Turtle Pen Down
Turtle Turn Right 180
Gasket(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)
Turtle Turn Left 180

Turtle Turn Right 60

Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Forward Length/2
Turtle Pen Down
Turtle Turn Right 180
Gasket(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)
Turtle Turn Left 180

Turtle Turn Right 60

Turtle Pen Up
Turtle Forward Length/2
Turtle Pen Down
Turtle Turn Right 180
Gasket(Length / 2.0, Level - 1)
Turtle Turn Left 180

Turtle Pen Up

Turtle Turn Right 180
Turtle Forward Length/2

Turtle Turn Left 60
Turtle Forward Length/2

Turtle Turn Left 60
Turtle Forward Length/2

Turtle Turn Right 60
Turtle Turn Right 180

Turtle Pen Down

End Sub


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Posted: 03:53am 04 Aug 2020
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  capsikin said  Cool thread, there's some other recursive line fractals I'd like to try if I get time (I think I was inspired by one called the koch curve and I changed things around and got a new one with a kind of hexagonal pattern)

Good Job!  MMBasic does make it easy to try changes quickly.  I've added this one to my collection as well.

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Posted: 08:21am 04 Aug 2020
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  Sasquatch said  
  vegipete said  Turtle meets Dragon

This is perhaps my favorite fractal line drawing. Especially neat is the way they fit together. In this code, the red and green dragons are identical, just rotated 180 degrees. And they fit together perfectly.

That is a nice one!  At lower orders it doesn't give any clue as to it's potential.  It amazes me how such a simple looking algorithm can generate something so complex

Just in case anyone doesn't know, each dragon is the same as folding a piece of paper in half repeatedly (you can't do it much as it gets too thick) then opening it out so every crease is a right angle and viewing from an edge side.


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Posted: 04:38pm 04 Aug 2020
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Wow, these are awesome. I love seeing these patterns drawing and stuff. Before I got my CMM2, I played around in QBASIC 1 in DOS, and made this


Keep em coming!


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Posted: 06:57am 05 Aug 2020
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  vegipete said  Turtle meets Dragon

Hi Pete,

That code fails for anything after Option 3.. I think it is to do with negative angles.

Maybe something changed in a later version of MMBasic, I am using 5.05.04

There is also an error in the Barnsley Fern by sasqatch.

Kind Regards

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Posted: 07:11am 05 Aug 2020
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  bigmik said  
Maybe something changed in a later version of MMBasic, I am using 5.05.04


Yep. All fixed in the latest beta.

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Posted: 10:02am 05 Aug 2020
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Thanks Jim,

I thought it was firmware differences, I will try the latest beta..

I usually stick to the latest release version


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