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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : FILEBOX - My first program for CMM2 (very alpha)

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Posted: 11:10am 10 Aug 2020
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I'm working on my own file manager. The goal are a very simple program for copy, move, edit files, etc...

Currently, the program loads and show folders and files. You can create, rename and delete folders (!!! Not delete full folders). I don't know how "trap the error" about folder with contents. I need some explanation about ON ERROR options.

Many options not are implemented yet.... copy, move, etc files....
Not work in terminal mode... I'm are using TEXT for print screen.

Not are finished, very alpha.... I have some "problems":

- I can't RUN a selected program (BAS). (In memory are filebox.bas,... hmmmm how unload?)

- I can't EDIT a selected file... same as previous.

Some help about how to implement these functions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I add the source code (22 Kb).
Edited 2020-08-10 21:12 by Hark0
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Posted: 12:12pm 10 Aug 2020
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Very cool looking file manager! I'm not too sure on how you'd go about implementing running and editing of files.

Some features I would personally like, if you're open for suggestions, is the ability to hide certain file types, have it colour coded, sort by name or type and bulk rename (rename all pngs for example). Oh and displaying a HEX table for the files like for example

0000: 89 50 4E 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.PNG............
0001: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF |................

Didn't know how much I wanted something like this until I starting typing...  

Just had a thought... You could potentially write your own editor inside the file manager? At least then you could edit the files.

Anyway, keep it up and good luck. looks great so far!


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Posted: 04:55pm 10 Aug 2020
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  Atomizer_Zero said  Very cool looking file manager! I'm not too sure on how you'd go about implementing running and editing of files.

Hmmm, I think EDIT can be solved loading the file into the program... basically "adding a simple editor"... not the initial goal of the project.

RUN are more difficult to implement.

Some features I would personally like, if you're open for suggestions, is the ability to hide certain file types, have it colour coded, sort by name or type and bulk rename (rename all pngs for example). Oh and displaying a HEX table for the files like for example

0000: 89 50 4E 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.PNG............
0001: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF |................

Yes, the program have many possiblilities, this is my first code program for CMM2... ;-)

Didn't know how much I wanted something like this until I starting typing...  

Just had a thought... You could potentially write your own editor inside the file manager? At least then you could edit the files.

Anyway, keep it up and good luck. looks great so far!

It is precisely what I have commented at the beginning of the post. I think for now I will focus on the functions related to files (move, copy, ...) the basics.

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Posted: 09:40pm 10 Aug 2020
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  Atomizer_Zero said   Oh and displaying a HEX table for the files like for example

0000: 89 50 4E 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.PNG............
0001: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF |................

Didn't know how much I wanted something like this until I starting typing...  

This is an extract from my file manager program.
SUB showHEX f$
 LOCAL INTEGER row, fSize, fpos, n
 LOCAL txt$, hx$
 showing = 2
 row = 2
 fSize = LOF(#2)
 PRINT @(8, 13, 2) f$ ;"     ";STR$(fSize,8,0);" bytes"
   txt$ = INPUT$(16, #2)
   hx$=HEX$(fpos,8)+"  "
   FOR n = 1 TO LEN(txt$)
     hx$=hx$+HEX$(ASC(MID$(txt$,n,1)),2)+" "
   NEXT n
   IF LEN(hx$) < 62 THEN hx$=hx$+SPACE$(62-LEN(hx$))
   FOR n = 1 TO LEN(txt$)
     IF ASC(MID$(txt$,n,1))>32 AND ASC(MID$(txt$,n,1)) < 127 THEN
   NEXT n
   PRINT @(8, row*13, 0) hx$
   row = row + 1
   fpos = fpos + 16
   IF row > 41 OR EOF(#2) THEN
     PRINT @(8, helpLine, 0) " Press any key to continue, PGup to go back  or esc to quit..."
     PRINT @(8, 13, 2) f$ ;"     ";STR$(fpos,8,0);"/";STR$(fSize,8,0);" bytes"
       k$ = INKEY$
     LOOP UNTIL k$<>""
     IF k$ = CHR$(27) THEN
       showing = 0
       refreshDue = 2
       EXIT DO
     ELSEIF k$ = CHR$(136) THEN ' page up
       fpos = fpos - 40*16*2  'to the start of 2 pages back
       IF fpos < 0 THEN fpos = 0
       SEEK #2, fpos
       row = 2
       row = 2

I think the only extras needed are
helpLine = 572

showing and refreshDue are flags used by the main program and can be ignored.

Search the forum for the full program. FM.BAS

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Posted: 10:16pm 10 Aug 2020
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Ah, will check it out. Cheers!

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Posted: 01:54am 11 Aug 2020
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  Hark0 said  Hello!

I'm working on my own file manager. The goal are a very simple program for copy, move, edit files, etc...

Currently, the program loads and show folders and files. You can create, rename and delete folders (!!! Not delete full folders). I don't know how "trap the error" about folder with contents. I need some explanation about ON ERROR options.

Many options not are implemented yet.... copy, move, etc files....
Not work in terminal mode... I'm are using TEXT for print screen.

Not are finished, very alpha.... I have some "problems":

- I can't RUN a selected program (BAS). (In memory are filebox.bas,... hmmmm how unload?)

- I can't EDIT a selected file... same as previous.

Some help about how to implement these functions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I add the source code (22 Kb).

So long as the file name doesn't contain any tricky characters (e.g. quote marks, maybe new lines, not sure what else) you can use execute with a run command:

cmd$="run "+quote$+"myfile.bas"+quote$
execute cmd$

Also I noticed the built in file manager crashed when I tried to make a file copy with a quote mark in it to test this.
Edited 2020-08-11 11:58 by capsikin


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Posted: 07:15am 11 Aug 2020
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Thanks @TassyJim.... I take note of your source.  

@capsikin.... EXECUTE Command? hmmmm I go trying things...
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