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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Resurecting old sounds.
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TassyJim Guru Joined: 07/08/2011 Location: AustraliaPosts: 6006 |
This first offering reads QB style sound strings and converts them into DATA statements. You can either use the function directly in your program or use it as a utility to convert QB strings to use later. ' playQB by TassyJim August 2020 ' To PLAY Quick Basic style sound strings. ' you can either use the function in your program directly or, ' more likely, use it to convert QBasic sound strings to DATA listings ' and use PLAY TONE in your progams ' OPTION EXPLICIT DIM playdone, p DIM dl$(150) ' array to store the converted data lines dl$(0) = "ToneData:" ' label for DATA p = 1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ' samples taken from QBasic games PLAYQB "T180 o2 P2 P8 L8 GGG L2 E-"+"P24 P8 L8 FFF L2 D" melodyEnd PAUSE 500 PLAYQB "T120MLO2L1Eee" melodyEnd PAUSE 500 PLAYQB "t120o1l16b9n0baan0bn0bn0baaan0b9n0baan0b" melodyEnd PAUSE 500 PLAYQB "o2l16e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-n0e-n0e-d-d-d-n0e-9n0e-d-d-n0e-" melodyEnd PAUSE 500 PLAYQB "o2l16g-9n0g-een0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0g-9n0g-een0g-" melodyEnd PAUSE 500 PLAYQB "o2l16b9n0baan0g-n0g-n0g-eeen0o1b9n0baan0b" melodyEnd printOutput END SUB playQB notation$ ' play a quickbasic string LOCAL ch$, item$, shift$= " " LOCAL AS INTEGER nNum, tempo, quarter, value, n LOCAL AS FLOAT pl, pauseTime, dur, ext, nTone LOCAL octave = 2 notation$ = notation$ + " " tempo = 120 quarter = 500 ' length of quarter note in mS dur = quarter pl = 7/8 ' normal note length playdone = 1 FOR n = 1 TO LEN(notation$) 'print item$; ch$ = MID$(notation$,n,1) SELECT CASE ch$ CASE "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9" value = value * 10 + VAL(ch$) CASE ">" IF octave < 6 THEN octave = octave + 1 CASE "<" IF octave > 0 THEN octave = octave - 1 CASE "#","+" shift$ = "#" CASE "-" shift$ = "-" CASE "." IF ext = 0 THEN ext = dur/2 ELSE ext = dur*3/4 ENDIF CASE "X" ' ignore CASE ELSE ' print "Value = ";value 'DEBUG SELECT CASE item$ CASE "A","B","C","D","E","F","G" nNum = Note2nNum(item$+shift$, octave+2) nTone = nNum2Tone(nNum) DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE nTone, nTone, (dur + ext) * pl, playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(nTone,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext) * pl,5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF IF pl < 1 THEN DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE 0, 0, (dur + ext) * (1 - pl), playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(0,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext) * (1 - pl),5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF ENDIF ext = 0 item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 CASE "T" tempo = value quarter = 60000 / tempo item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 ' print "quarter = ";quarter 'DEBUG CASE "L" dur = quarter * 4 / value item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 ' print "duration = ";duration 'DEBUG CASE "O" octave = value item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 CASE "P" pauseTime = quarter * 4 / value DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE 0, 0, pausetime, playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(0,4,1)+","+STR$(pausetime,5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 CASE "T" tempo = value quarter = 60000/tempo item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 CASE "M" IF UCASE$(ch$) = "N" THEN pl = 7/8 IF UCASE$(ch$) = "L" THEN pl = 1 IF UCASE$(ch$) = "S" THEN pl = 3/4 item$ = " " value = 0 ' if ucase$(ch$) = "F" then ' foreground ' if ucase$(ch$) = "B" then ' background CASE "N" IF value = 0 THEN DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE 0, 0, (dur + ext) , playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(0,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext),5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF ELSE nTone = nNum2Tone(value+24) DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE nTone, nTone, (dur + ext) * pl, playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(nTone,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext) * pl,5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF IF pl < 1 THEN DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE 0, 0, (dur + ext) * (1 - pl), playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(0,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext) * (1 - pl),5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF ENDIF ext = 0 ENDIF item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 CASE ELSE item$ = UCASE$(ch$) value = 0 END SELECT shift$ = " " END SELECT NEXT n DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone <> 0 : playdone=0 END SUB SUB playint 'end of tone interrupt playdone=1 END SUB SUB melodyEnd dl$(p) = dl$(p)+" 0, 0" p = p+1 dl$(p) = " " p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " END SUB FUNCTION Note2nNum(Note$, octave AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER ' given music note and octave, return piano key number LOCAL allNotes$ = "C C#D D#E F F#G G#A A#B " LOCAL altNotes$ = "C D-D E-E F G-G A-A B-B " LOCAL flat IF INSTR(Note$,"-") > 0 THEN flat = 1 Note$ = MID$(Note$,1,1) ENDIF IF LEN(Note$) < 2 THEN Note$ = Note$+" " IF Note$ = "E#" THEN Note$ = "F " ' correct for 2 undefined sharps IF Note$ = "B#" THEN Note$ = "C " : octave = octave + 1 IF Note$ = "F-" THEN Note$ = "E " ' correct for 2 undefined flats IF Note$ = "C-" THEN Note$ = "B " : octave = octave - 1 IF INSTR(Note$,"-")>0 THEN Note2nNum = INSTR(altNotes$,Note$)/2 +octave*12 - 9 - flat ELSE Note2nNum = INSTR(allNotes$,Note$)/2 +octave*12 - 9 - flat ENDIF IF Note2nNum < 1 THEN Note2nNum = Note2nNum + 1 ' correct for negative numbers END FUNCTION FUNCTION nNum2Tone(noteN AS INTEGER) AS FLOAT ' given piano key number return note frequency nNum2Tone = 440 * 2^((noteN-49)/12) END FUNCTION FUNCTION nNum2Octave(noteN AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER ' given piano key number, return octave number ' if noteN <98 and noteN > 88 then noteN = noteN - 97 IF noteN > 87 THEN : nNum2Octave = 8 ELSEIF noteN > 75 THEN : nNum2Octave = 7 ELSEIF noteN > 63 THEN : nNum2Octave = 6 ELSEIF noteN > 51 THEN : nNum2Octave = 5 ELSEIF noteN > 39 THEN : nNum2Octave = 4 ELSEIF noteN > 27 THEN : nNum2Octave = 3 ELSEIF noteN > 15 THEN : nNum2Octave = 2 ELSEIF noteN > 3 THEN : nNum2Octave = 1 ELSE : nNum2Octave = 0 ENDIF END FUNCTION FUNCTION nNum2Note(noteN AS INTEGER) AS STRING ' given piano key number, return music note LOCAL allnotes$ = "G#A A#B C C#D D#E F F#G G#A " noteN = noteN + 12 IF noteN > 0 THEN nNum2Note = MID$(allnotes$,(noteN MOD 12) * 2 +1,2) ENDIF END FUNCTION SUB printOutput LOCAL p DO PRINT dl$(p) p = p + 1 LOOP UNTIL dl$(p) = "" END SUB Jim VK7JH MMedit MMBasic Help |
TassyJim Guru Joined: 07/08/2011 Location: AustraliaPosts: 6006 |
The next one takes Nokia RTL ring tones and does the same - converts them to DATA statements. ' playNokia by TassyJim August 2020 ' play Nokia ringtones and convert to tone - duration pairs of DATA ' ' OPTION EXPLICIT DIM playdone, n DIM source$(11) ' array for the source tune DIM dl$(150) ' array to store the converted data lines DIM newName$ DIM d=4, o=5, b=120, pl = 7/8 ' normal note length 'input "Default length, octave, beats (4,5,120): ";d,o,b RESTORE testtune 'jinglebells ' read the source data into a string array ' output is DATA statements in array dl$() DO n = n + 1 READ source$(n) IF source$(n) = "" THEN EXIT DO LOOP playNokia printOutput END SUB playNokia ' play a nokia string ' and convert it to tone, duration DATA pairs LOCAL ch$, item$, shift$= " " LOCAL AS INTEGER nNum, tempo, quarter, value, n, k, p, lastone LOCAL AS FLOAT dur, ext, nTone LOCAL octave k = INSTR(source$(1),":") ' look for file header IF k>0 THEN ' get name and settings newName$ = LEFT$(source$(1),k-1) k = INSTR(source$(1),"d=") ' default note duration IF k THEN n = INSTR(k,source$(1),",")-k-2 d = VAL(MID$(source$(1), k+2,n)) ENDIF k = INSTR(source$(1),"o=") ' default octave IF k THEN n = INSTR(k,source$(1),",")-k-2 o = VAL(MID$(source$(1), k+2,n)) ENDIF k = INSTR(source$(1),"b=") ' default tempo IF k THEN n = INSTR(k,source$(1),":")-k-2 b = VAL(MID$(source$(1), k+2,n)) ENDIF source$(1) = MID$(source$(1),k+n+3) ' strip off header ' print newName$, d, o, b 'DEBUG ' print source$(1) 'DEBUG ELSE newName$ = "Test" ENDIF dl$(0) = newName$+":" ' label for DATA p = 1 dl$(p) = " DATA " tempo = b octave = o quarter = 60000 / tempo ' length of quarter note in mS dur = quarter * 4 / d 'pl = 7/8 ' normal note length playdone = 1 FOR k = 1 TO 11 IF LEN(source$(k)) = 0 THEN source$(k) = "," 'add final comma lastone = 1 'and set flag ENDIF FOR n = 1 TO LEN(source$(k)) ch$ = UCASE$(MID$(source$(k),n,1)) SELECT CASE ch$ CASE "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9" value = value * 10 + VAL(ch$) CASE "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","P" item$ = ch$ IF value = 0 THEN dur = quarter * 4 / d ELSE dur = quarter * 4 / value ENDIF value = 0 CASE "#","+" shift$ = "#" CASE "-" shift$ = "-" CASE "." IF ext = 0 THEN ext = dur/2 ELSE ext = dur*3/4 ENDIF CASE " " ' skip CASE "," IF value = 0 THEN octave = o ELSE octave = value ENDIF 'playdone=0 IF item$ = "P" THEN ' rest DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone<> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE 0, 0, (dur + ext), playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(0,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext),5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN ' check for new line required dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF ELSE nNum = Note2nNum(item$+shift$, octave-1) nTone = nNum2Tone(nNum) DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone<> 0 : playdone=0 PLAY TONE nTone, nTone, (dur + ext) * pl, playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(nTone,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext)* pl,5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF IF pl < 1 THEN DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone<> 0 : playdone=0' wait for current tone to finish PLAY TONE 0, 0, (dur + ext) * (1 - pl), playint dl$(p)=dl$(p)+STR$(0,4,1)+","+STR$((dur + ext)* (1 - pl),5,1) IF LEN(dl$(p)) < 65 THEN dl$(p)=dl$(p)+"," ELSE p = p+1 dl$(p) = " DATA " ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF value = 0 shift$ = " " ext = 0 END SELECT NEXT n IF lastone = 1 THEN EXIT FOR ' all done! NEXT k dl$(p) = LEFT$(dl$(p),LEN(dl$(p))-1)+", 0,0" dl$(p+1) = "' End of "+newName$ dl$(p+2) = "" DO : LOOP UNTIL playdone<> 0 : playdone=0' wait for current tone to finish END SUB SUB printOutput LOCAL p DO PRINT dl$(p) p = p + 1 LOOP UNTIL dl$(p) = "" END SUB SUB playint 'end of tone interrupt playdone=1 END SUB SUB melodyEnd PRINT "DATA 0, 00" END SUB FUNCTION Note2nNum(Note$, octave AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER ' given music note and octave, return piano key number LOCAL allNotes$ = "C C#D D#E F F#G G#A A#B " LOCAL altNotes$ = "C D-D E-E F G-G A-A B-B " LOCAL flat IF INSTR(Note$,"-") > 0 THEN flat = 1 Note$ = MID$(Note$,1,1) ENDIF IF LEN(Note$) < 2 THEN Note$ = Note$+" " IF Note$ = "E#" THEN Note$ = "F " ' correct for 2 undefined sharps IF Note$ = "B#" THEN Note$ = "C " : octave = octave + 1 IF Note$ = "F-" THEN Note$ = "E " ' correct for 2 undefined flats IF Note$ = "C-" THEN Note$ = "B " : octave = octave - 1 IF INSTR(Note$,"-")>0 THEN Note2nNum = INSTR(altNotes$,Note$)/2 +octave*12 - 9 - flat ELSE Note2nNum = INSTR(allNotes$,Note$)/2 +octave*12 - 9 - flat ENDIF IF Note2nNum < 1 THEN Note2nNum = Note2nNum + 1 ' correct for negative numbers END FUNCTION FUNCTION nNum2Tone(noteN AS INTEGER) AS FLOAT ' given piano key number return note frequency nNum2Tone = 440 * 2^((noteN-49)/12) END FUNCTION FUNCTION nNum2Octave(noteN AS INTEGER) AS INTEGER ' given piano key number, return octave number ' if noteN <98 and noteN > 88 then noteN = noteN - 97 IF noteN > 87 THEN : nNum2Octave = 8 ELSEIF noteN > 75 THEN : nNum2Octave = 7 ELSEIF noteN > 63 THEN : nNum2Octave = 6 ELSEIF noteN > 51 THEN : nNum2Octave = 5 ELSEIF noteN > 39 THEN : nNum2Octave = 4 ELSEIF noteN > 27 THEN : nNum2Octave = 3 ELSEIF noteN > 15 THEN : nNum2Octave = 2 ELSEIF noteN > 3 THEN : nNum2Octave = 1 ELSE : nNum2Octave = 0 ENDIF END FUNCTION FUNCTION nNum2Note(noteN AS INTEGER) AS STRING ' given piano key number, return music note LOCAL allnotes$ = "G#A A#B C C#D D#E F F#G G#A " noteN = noteN + 12 IF noteN > 0 THEN nNum2Note = MID$(allnotes$,(noteN MOD 12) * 2 +1,2) ENDIF END FUNCTION JingleBells: 'd=4,o=5,b=125 DATA "JingleBells:d=4,o=5,b=125:8g,8e6,8d6,8c6,2g,8g,8e6,8d6,8c6,2a,8a,8f6,8e6" DATA "8d6,8b,8g,8b,8d6,8g.6,16g6,8f6,8d6,2e6,8g,8e6,8d6,8c6,2g,16f#,8g,8e6" DATA "8d6,8c6,2a,8a,8f6,8e6,8d6,8g6,16g6,16f#6,16g6,16f#6,16g6,16g#6,8a.6" DATA "16g6,8e6,8d6,c6,g6,8e6,8e6,8e.6,16d#6,8e6,8e6,8e.6,16d#6,8e6,8g6,8c.6" DATA "16d6,2e6,8f6,8f6,8f.6,16f6,8f6,8e6,8e6,16e6,16e6,8e6,8d6,8d6,8e6,2d6" DATA "" DATA "g,c7,g,e,g,c.7,8c7,c7,e7,d7,c7,b,c7,2d.7,g,c7,g,e,c,g.,8g,g,e7,d7,c7,b" DATA "a,2g,p,g,a.,8b,c7,a,2g,8e,e,g,a,c7,f7,e7,2d7" DATA "" testtune: DATA "g,g,a,f#.,8g,a,b,b,c6,b.,8a,g,a,g,f#,g.,8a,8b,8c6,d6,d6,d6,d.6,8c6,b,c6" DATA "c6,c6,c.6,8b,a,b,8c6,8b,8a,8g,b.,8c6,d6,8e6,8c6,b,a,g." DATA "" DATA "8c#,8d,e,c#,d,b4,c#,a4,b4,p,16c#6,16p,16d6,16p,8e6,8p,8c#6,8p,8d6,8p" DATA "8b,8p,8c#6,8p,8a,8p,b,p,a4,a4,b4,c#,a4,c#,b4,p,8a,8p,8a,8p,8b,8p,8c#6" DATA "8p,8a,8p,8c#6,8p,8b" DATA "" Jim VK7JH MMedit MMBasic Help |
capsikin Guru Joined: 30/06/2020 Location: AustraliaPosts: 341 |
Cool. Just to check, this just plays a note 3 times for 2 seconds each right, almost the same as playing it for 6 seconds? PLAYQB "T120MLO2L1Eee" I liked the other sound strings. To me they sound better as square waves than sine waves though. Edited 2020-08-16 21:00 by capsikin |
Womble Senior Member Joined: 09/07/2020 Location: United KingdomPosts: 267 |
Nice work Jim I had been looking at the QBasic PLAY command and wondering how to port something similar |
TassyJim Guru Joined: 07/08/2011 Location: AustraliaPosts: 6006 |
Yes It was a test to make sure that there was no audible gap between notes. I also think that there was a maximum play time for individual notes. I wrote these functions 10 months ago and forget some of the sources. Most of the QB ones come from "Gorilla", something that I started converting and will get back to sometime. Jim VK7JH MMedit MMBasic Help |
Womble Senior Member Joined: 09/07/2020 Location: United KingdomPosts: 267 |
"GORILLA.BAS" classic QBasic game. I was looking at doing Reversi/Othello Good work with the sounds stuff Jim |
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