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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : Any html experts out there ?

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Joined: 07/08/2022
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Posted: 10:14am 23 Mar 2023
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Bit of a strange one (at least to me !)
I have two html files created by Microsoft Expression Web 4 (incidentally free to download and use)

Both files display perfectly when opening directly in various browsers.

However when I download to Picomite W via MCC Xmodem one displays perfectly and the other one is corrupted.

First one - Displays perfectly and via Picomite

Second one - Displays perfectly when opened direct in browser

However when second one is uploaded via xmodem to Picomite and called to browser via ip address it does not display and is corrupted.

Have tried other HTML editors with no change.

Any ideas gratefully received !

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Posted: 11:23am 23 Mar 2023
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Try removing the <doctype...

The PicoMiteWeb created the header itself

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Posted: 11:51am 23 Mar 2023
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Unfortunately no difference ....

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Posted: 11:59am 23 Mar 2023
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Zip up the html with any supporting files and post and then we can have a look

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Posted: 12:35pm 23 Mar 2023
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Here they are.... first1.html works fine, second1.html is the problem



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Posted: 01:33pm 23 Mar 2023
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Try to remove the head tags leaving the style inside the body tag.

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Posted: 01:50pm 23 Mar 2023
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No change unfortunately

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Posted: 03:58pm 23 Mar 2023
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For reasons I don't understand your html is using a vast amount of either system stack or system heap - I think stack. The text "sans serif" is a result of memory corruption. Now this text  doesn't appear in the firmware anywhere so it must be coming over the web from the host but doesn't appear in the normal html header.
I've made a change, posted in a29, which allows your code to work but if you put a syntax error in the interrupt routine so the program aborts then you can't edit as there is still corruption. I would suggest trying with an external CSS file but this is now beyond my knowledge.


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Posted: 01:53am 24 Mar 2023
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A few comments (not a html expert at all but W3Schools.com is your friend)

You should have a <html> tag immediately after the <!DOCTYPE html>

<meta ... > and <title> should be in the <head> tag, not <header>

Your <meta ... tag> should have the name content rather than the other way round you have - see code below

There is actually no need for a <header> tag

Repetitively invoking <span> and embedding the class object is a memory consuming process and while it works(sort  off) it is a very inefficient method - see the suggested thinned down version below.

I find that indenting clears up the structure and makes the html much easier to read and debug, remembering that tabs, new lines in the text are ignored by your browser.

<!DOCTYPE html>
       <style type="text/css">
           .auto-style1 {
           font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
           .auto-style2 {
            font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
           font-size: x-large;
       <title>PicoMiteWeb test page</title>
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
       <!-- stuff in here moved to <head> as per W3School -->
           <span class="auto-style2">
               <strong>Alarm Status </strong>
           <span class="auto-style1">
                   Alarm 1 = {alarmWeb1$}
                   Alarm 2 = {alarmWeb2$}
                   Alarm 3 = {alarmWeb3$}
                   Alarm 4 = {alarmWeb4$}
                   Alarm 5 = {alarmWeb5$}
                   Alarm 6 = {alarmWeb6$}
                   Alarm 7 = {alarmWeb7$}
                   Alarm 8 = {alarmWeb8$}

As far as using with PicoWEB, I don't have one yet so can not test in that environment. Hope this helps,
... almost all of the Maximites, the MicromMites, the MM Extremes, the ArmMites, the PicoMite and loving it!


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Posted: 02:11am 24 Mar 2023
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Your html code uses {} in the style definition.
MMBasic thinks that is a variable and replaces the contents with zeros

You need to double up on the {s to make the code work as expected.

I 'think' you only need to double the { to {{.
Not sure if the } needs the same treatment. The page seems to render without changing the } to }}

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 02:21am 24 Mar 2023
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With Firefox at least, if you use the {{ as suggested, the style is then ignored - ie. you get the default serif text and with out the x-large size in auto-style2

As Peter suggested, it might need the style code moved to an external file - unsure as to whether this would still be 'caught' by MMBasic?

... almost all of the Maximites, the MicromMites, the MM Extremes, the ArmMites, the PicoMite and loving it!


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Posted: 02:37am 24 Mar 2023
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When you place {{ in the html code, MMBasic will convert it to a single { before serving the page.

If you want to look at the code before you send it to the picoW, then, yes, the browser will see the double {{ and get annoyed.

If the style definitions were in a separate file stored somewhere other than on the pico, the definitions don't need to be altered.

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 02:46am 24 Mar 2023
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I get it, thanks - I need a PicoWEB      
... almost all of the Maximites, the MicromMites, the MM Extremes, the ArmMites, the PicoMite and loving it!


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Posted: 03:11am 24 Mar 2023
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Optionally, depending upon the complexity of your html program, you could embed any style info inline -

<!DOCTYPE html>
       <title>PicoMiteWeb test page</title>
       <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
       <!-- stuff in here moved to <head> as per W3School -->
           <span style='font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
               <strong>Alarm Status </strong>
           <span style='font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;'>
                   Alarm 1 = {alarmWeb1$}
                   Alarm 2 = {alarmWeb2$}
                   Alarm 3 = {alarmWeb3$}
                   Alarm 4 = {alarmWeb4$}
                   Alarm 5 = {alarmWeb5$}
                   Alarm 6 = {alarmWeb6$}
                   Alarm 7 = {alarmWeb7$}
                   Alarm 8 = {alarmWeb8$}

... almost all of the Maximites, the MicromMites, the MM Extremes, the ArmMites, the PicoMite and loving it!

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Posted: 08:10am 24 Mar 2023
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Thanks all for this - I'll retry and get back to you.

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Posted: 10:34am 24 Mar 2023
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Tried Doug's html and guess what no problem, however when loading into Expression 4 and  adding a font this is the result as generated

But on running and looking at the page source this is the result

Guessing .auto-style  on line 9 is the cause of the problem ?

Moving on perhaps its time to change to a newer editor....

Thanks to all for your help !


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Posted: 11:09am 24 Mar 2023
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Once again, your code has a single { which MMBasic thinks is the start of a variable. Make it a {{ and all will be well again.

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 11:23am 24 Mar 2023
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" Moving on perhaps its time to change to a newer editor..."

Or if your current editor won't allow {{ use Notepad to add them where required before uploading to the Pico.

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Posted: 12:18pm 24 Mar 2023
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  TassyJim said  Once again, your code has a single { which MMBasic thinks is the start of a variable. Make it a {{ and all will be well again.


Just realised that these { were added by Expression 4 as in

.auto-style2 {
font-size: x-large;
color: Tomato;
font-family: Cambria, Cochin, Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif;

I missed this and your previous comment had not sunk in  
All is good now thank you.

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