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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : MMEdit V5.2

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Posted: 10:31pm 21 May 2024
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I have to admit that I haven't used a VGA version yet so don't see the problem.
I will have to put one together and see if there is something I can do about the line wrapping.

It would also be a problem when LISTing programs.

I could force it into MODE 1 when starting the file manager.

MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 07:18am 22 May 2024
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Hi Jim  



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Posted: 09:54pm 23 May 2024
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This ZIP contains an updated MMCC for W64 and Linux.
It should have fixed the file manager when using a picoVGA in mode 2
Also, progress notice looks better now.


If it works as expected, I will update the main download files.

MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 09:18am 24 May 2024
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Things are confusing. I have tried version 5.2.8 MMCC May 24 build on linux.

When I manually set the settings according below screen, and save this configuration as PicoVGA then your fix for the file manager in MODE 2 works (with an error, but it works (*)).


In the MMCC inf file in the /data folder following information is visible:

Then I close MMCC, and restart MMCC. The screen looks like this:

For some reason unknown to me, configuration PicoVGA is using "PicoMite" as type. And not "PicoVGA". Maybe this is the default mode (used to be "Maximite"..??).

Anyway, now your fix does not work. Maybe because it is target to only work with "PicoVGA".


(*) the error is generated after the EPOCH command and says "Invalid character "=" "


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Posted: 09:56am 24 May 2024
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I think I know what is causing the error after the epoch command.
(The epoch command is used to decide if the date needs to be set)

I also think I know where I went wrong with determining the device.
I will have to program a picoVGA to test.

You are right, it is only the picoVGA that I check. It is the only one with the MODE command.

MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 10:08am 24 May 2024
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Hi JIm,

It probably has not happened before, but I can imagine that the same happens when the CMM2 is in MODE 3,5,6,7,13,17 (the lower resolutions, default font) and a CMM1 in MODE 4.



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Posted: 09:32pm 24 May 2024
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Try again.
I had missed some string comparisons that were failing due to case mismatch.
That is what happens when I make things look pretty to satisfy users.

I am still flying blind with the VGA option.


CMM2 is not an issue. Never was. I haven't tested the CMM1

MMedit   MMBasic Help

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Posted: 12:04pm 27 May 2024
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Hi JIm,

The PicoVGA is remembered now, and restored. Good !!

Opening the filemanager while the picomiteVGA is in mode 2 still shows the EPOCH error. After you issue the MODE 1 command there is a delay (few seconds). Maybe intentionally. The file manager opens correctly after these few seconds.

When closing the file manager, you issue a MODE 2 command, but no <CR>. Meaning that the PicomiteVGA never returns to mode 2. When I manually type a <CR> on the PS2 keyboard all is dandy (=okay).

I hope this helps. Would you like to have a PicoMiteVGA ? I can send you one if you like ? I still have few of these small basic PicomiteVGA boards from Micks design that I could build one up and send you.

Edited 2024-05-27 22:06 by Volhout


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Posted: 12:34pm 27 May 2024
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As all commands that go to the screen also go to the console testing MMEdit doesn't require the VGA hardware, just the VGA firmware on a standard Pico.

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Posted: 12:43pm 27 May 2024
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Hi Phil,

On the MMCC terminal screen these error messages do not show. Maybe Jim is hiding them, but on the VGA screen they are visible.



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Posted: 12:50pm 27 May 2024
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That is odd. Error messages always go to the console, don't they?

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Posted: 02:03pm 27 May 2024
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Hi Phil,

Yes, you are correct. I think the error message goes to the console port, but MMCC does not show it. MMCC is a terminal program that Jim made himself. I am sure in a situation like this Putty / Teraterm would show the message. But MMCC does not. Some of the strings in the communication will be manipulated by MMCC, and may not show up visible to the human. Under water (under the hood) they are detected and dealth with.



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Posted: 09:27pm 27 May 2024
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Thanks for the comments.
I have already added the missing lineendings.

Most of the replies to commands are hidden in MMCC. Without a monitor connected, I can't see any local text.
I have the parts to assemble a picoVGA, just not the time this week. I do have the firmware loaded.

The epoch line you are seeing is:
If epoch(NOW) < 1000000000 then Date$ = "28/05/2024" : Time$ = "07:07:46"

with the appropriate date.
There will be an error if the firmware doesn't have the epoch command but that is not an issue here.

A lot of the delay in opening the file manager window is due to the time it takes to list the files. I do this before opening the window. I fount that more reliable than opening the window first.

I have far too many hard coded devices in the code and I am removing as many as I can, relying on the inf file to hold the device variations. That will make the program more future proof when the inevitable new device appears.
That is this weeks target.

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 07:09am 28 May 2024
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The error with the epoch command was caused by MODE 2 lines being too short.
I have changed the order so that the picoVGA is switched to MODE 1 before issuing the command.

A bit more testing required before any updates.

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 07:11am 10 Jun 2024
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MMEdit V5.2.9 has been posted.
As well as the changes covered in the last few posts, I have changed the way Backspace works in MMCC so the changes in picomite 5.9.0RC5 work correctly.

In MMEdit, I found the bracket mismatch warning was getting in the way. It has been moved to the end of the offending line instead of on a new line.
That stopped things bouncing around so much.

MMedit   MMBasic Help


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Posted: 10:08am 10 Jun 2024
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Hi Jim,
I can confirm MMCC is happy with command line :
Print "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog and now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"

Thanks for the update.
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Posted: 06:01am 22 Jul 2024
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Hi Jim, I sent to this email with a MMEdit 5.2.9 issue.


Regards, Bruce.
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