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Forum Index : Microcontroller and PC projects : PI*Bert Game engine ?

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Martin H.


Joined: 04/06/2022
Location: Germany
Posts: 991
Posted: 07:04am 21 Aug 2023
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I started to design a Q*Bert-like game for the Pico.
Unfortunately, I don't have the time, at the moment, and patience to create a finished game out of it .

I have already designed the pyramids for 8 levels of 4 rounds and all the sprites.  
I would be happy if someone here could finish programming this.
Does anyone dare to do that for PicomiteVGA and/or LCD (Tomboy)?


'Init all
Dim integer f,n,oc,wx,wy,l,r,obj(10,10) 'moving Object Vars
'1 Bert, 2 RBall, 3 GBall, 4 Coily,
'5 WrongWay,6 Ugg, 7 Slick 8 Sam, 9 Disc
Dim cl%(15):Restore colors:For f=1 To 15:Read cl%(f):Next
Dim sw%(8)=(0,3,5,6,7,5,4,2,0),sp$
CLS cl%(5)
Restore qb1
For n=1 To 26
Read wx,wy
 For y=0 To wy-1
 Read sp$:sp$=expand$(sp$)
  For x=0 To wx-1
     Pixel x,y,cl%(Val("&H"+Mid$(sp$,x+1,1)))
   Next x
 Next y
 Sprite read n,0,0,wx,wy:Box 0,0,wx,wy,,0,0
Next n
Dim LC%(8,4,5)
Restore Levels
For l=1 To 8:For r=1 To 4
Read l1$
For n%=1 To 5:LC%(L,R,n%)=Cl%(Val("&H"+Mid$(l1$,n%,1))):Next
Next :Next

pyra LC%(1,1,1),LC%(1,1,2),LC%(1,1,3)

FRAMEBUFFER write l:CLS :Text 0,0,"DEMO"
For m=1 To 3
For n=1 To 7
jump 1
Pause 300
Box 120,28,16,16,,0,0
 For l=1 To 8:For r=1 To 4
 Text 256,0,"Level="+Str$(l)
 Text 256,16,"Round="+Str$(r)
 pyra LC%(L,R,1),LC%(L,R,2),LC%(L,R,3)
 Pause 500
 Next : Next
For l=1 To 15:fields cl%(l):Pause 250:Next

For n=1 To 26
Sprite write n,x,y
Sprite write n,x+160,y,1
Inc x,24:If x>=150 Then x=0:Inc y,32

Pause 20000

'end demo
'Interrupt would be called every 40 ms... main Game loop here  (to come)
Sub Mainloop
Local f
For f=1 To 10
 'object in this Level/Round?
 If Not obj(f,9) Then move_on
 'object active?
 If Not obj(f,0) Then move_on

 'code etc.
End Sub

Function expand$(pxl$)
Local n%,nmb%,tmp$,co$
n%=1: Do
 If Asc(Mid$(pxl$,n%,1))< 71 Then
    Inc n%:nmb%=Val("&H"+Mid$(pxl$,n%,1))
 Inc n%:Loop Until n%>Len(pxl$)
End Function

Sub jump(dir%)  'For Demo .. has to be included in Main
Local x%,ox%,oy%,of%
Select Case dir%
Case 1
For x%=qx% To qx%+15 Step 2
'If of%=1 Then Sprite hide 1
Box x%-2,oy%,16,16,,0,0
 Inc qy%,-3
 Sprite show 2-(of%=7), x%, qy%-sw%(of%), 2,1
Inc of%

 Pause 40
Inc qx%,16
End Select
End Sub

'Draws the playground in colors 1 (top) 2 (left) and 3 (right)
Sub pyra C1%,c2%,c3%
 For y=0 To 6
   For n=0 To y:field tx%+32*n,32+24*y,c1%:block tx%+32*n,40+24*y,c2%,c3%:Next
   Inc tx%,-16
End Sub
'------- to recolor just the Top
Sub Fields c1%
 For y=0 To 6
   For n=0 To y:field tx%+32*n,32+24*y,c1%:Next
   Inc tx%,-16
End Sub

Sub field x,y,c
Triangle x,y+8,x+16,y,x+16,y+16,c,c
Triangle x+32,y+8,x+16,y,x+16,y+16,c,c
End Sub

Sub Block x,y,c1,c2
Triangle x,y,x+16,y+8,x,y+16,c1,c1
Triangle x,y+16,x+16,y+8,x+16,y+24,c1,c1
Triangle x+17,y+8,x+32,y,x+32,y+16,c2,c2
Triangle x+17,y+8,x+17,y+24,x+32,y+16,c2,c2
End Sub


'colors per round:Top, left, right,transition,target
Data "93806","68E09","7280A","B3106"
Data "98E62","431B6","E3896","6009E"
Data "36C09","BA807","98E07","6A809"
Data "ACE69","90046","6A84B","531B6"
Data "E3869","28E96","8A8B7","6A1B4"
Data "28E96","B3146","E3869","E0096"
Data "96C35","7A88B","28E96","6389E"
Data "98E62","E0096","6389E","6A1B4"

Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0
Data 0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0
Data 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0

'Compressed sprite Data
'always facing left, have to be mirrored when looking to the right
'2nd sprite is the Object jumping
'1 Bert (4 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF"
Data "0CCEG3CCEEG3","4CCEE0K2CCEEG2","4S2EE774CCU200","04S3874S2EE00"
Data "004S2874S2U20","G24CC44C4S2EE0","G344C4S4EE0","G3K2S5EE0","G344CC4S400"
Data "G4K2CC4CCG2","G5K2S2G3","G4K204CG4","G2440C4C44CG3","G4K20044CG2"""
Data 16,16
Data "0CCEG3CCEEG3","4CCEE0K2CCEEG2","4S2EE874CCU200","04S3874S2EE00"
Data "004S2774S2U20","G24CC44C4S2EE0","G344C4S4EE0","G3K2S5EE0","G344CC4S400"
Data "G4K2CC4CCG2","G5K2S2G3","G6400CG4","G54400CG4","G24C004S2G4"
Data "G344C4044CG3","G544G24CG2"
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","G7S3G3","G5K4S200","G5884884C440","G5874874CC44","G4EK5CK2"
Data "G2EES344S244","00ES9K2","0ECCK2C4C4C4C44","0C8844044CK40","04884G2K500"
Data "0044G3K4G2","G74004G3","G5CC400S200","G3EC400EEC4G2"
Data 16,16
Data "G7S3G3","G5K4S200","G5774774C440","G5884884CC40","G4E884884CK2"
Data "G2EES344S244","00ES9K2","0ECCK2C4C4C4C44","0C8844044CK40","04884G2K500"
Data "0044G3K4G2","G74G24G2","G74G24G2","G74G24G2","G5CC400S200","G3EC400EEC4G2"
'BALL red (2 Sprites)
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","G5K4G4","G3K8G2","G2K27K600","00K27K80","00K88K20"
Data "00K78K30","G2KA00","G4K6G3"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","G5K4G4","G3K8G2","G2K27K600","00K27K80","00KC0","00K98440"
Data "00K88K20","G2K588K200","G3K8G2","G5K4G4"
'Ball GREEN (2 Sprites)
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","G5Q3G5","G3Q7G3","G2Q27Q32AG2"
Data "G2AA7Q42AG2","G2Q62AAG2","G3Q7G3"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","G5Q3G5","G3Q7G3","G2Q27Q5G2","G2AA7Q42AG2"
Data "G2Q72AG2","G2Q522AAG2","G3Q222Q2G3","G5Q3G5"
'MBall Coily Drop (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","GF","G4L5G4","G2L2V3L2G2","0055F7L700","055F77L80","055F77L80"
Data "55FLC","LB8585","LA85885","0L7O400","00L4885O2G2","G3L488G4","GF","GF"
Data 16,16
Data "G4L5G4","G2L9G2","00L3V3L300","0L2F7L80","L2F77L9","55FLC","LB8585"
Data "LB8585","LA85885","L8O55","0L5885O350","00L6O3500","G2L2O455G2","G4L5G4"
Data "GF","GF"
'Coily 16x32 up (2 Sprites)
Data 16,32
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF"
Data "GF","00FF0V3G6","0FL7G5","0FL8G4","0FL9G3","FLAG3","FL2G4L2G3"
Data "07005500L3G3","0FL8G4","00FL7G4","00L6G6","00F5G65G3","00F55G355G4"
Data "G2FL605G2","G3FL30055G2","GB5G2","GF"
Data 16,32
Data "00FF0FFG8","0FL5G7","0FL5V2G4","0FL8FG3","FLAG3","FL4G3L2G2","055G7L200"
Data "07007G65500","GBF550","G35V2G3F550","00FL5F00F550","0FL200L2005500"
Data "L3FG2L30500","FL2FG3L3G2","0FL2V250L2G2","00FL6055G2","G4L300L200"
Data "GB5500","GBF550","00V6G2F550","0FL700F550","0FL2G2L20L20","0F55G3FL20500"
Data "0FL50L3G2","G45500L3G2","G9L2G2","G9L2G2","G9L2G2","G2FG5L2G2"
Data "G25FG3F55G3","G355V255G4","G555G7"

'Coily 16x32 down (2 Sprites)
Data 16,32
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF"
Data "GF","00FF0FF5FG6","0V555FG5","078787L3FG4","05N2L5FG3","L70L2FG2"
Data "L6G255FG2","0L4G355FG2","07007G2L3G3","G2L70FG2","G3L4005FG2","G8F55FG2"
Data "G25G3FL2G3","G35V3L2FG2","G5L405F00","GB5F00","GB5G2"
Data 16,32
Data "00FF0FFG8","0V55G7","07878755V2G4","05N2L5FG3","LBFF00","L5G3L2F00"
Data "0L4G4L2F0","07007G655F0","GC55F","G35V2G455F","00L6FG255F","0L300L2FL2F0"
Data "L3FG4L3F0","0505FG3L3F00","00505V2L4G2","G250L500F00","G4L2G355F0"
Data "GB55F0","GC55F","005V5G355F","0L7FG255F","0L3G35FL3F","0L2G5L3F0"
Data "0LBF00","G4L4G5","GAV200","G9L2F00","G9L2F00","G2FG5L300","G25FG3FL2G2"
Data "G355V255G4","G555G7"
' WrongWay (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","00L2G45G4","0FFG655G3","F00F005500505G2","F500L600500","0FL805G2"
Data "00F5878755005500","0FF558787L3050","FF57755785005005","0FN3557G6"
Data "FF7788755G6","FFN28755V25500","FF5N288700FG3","0FF55778700FFG2","V477G8"
Data "00V2GA"
Data 16,16
Data "00L2G45G4","V25G65G3","FF0FFG4505500","FG455055G250","FF00L5G2500"
Data "0FL6G2L20","00L27L3055055","0FL37L4G25","V2775575FFG4","0FN3557G6"
Data "FFN4L2G5","FF7887755F5G4","FF57O2770FL200","0FF55787G2FG3","V477G4F500"
Data "00V2GA"

'6 Ugg (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "G57G8","G3705G8","00700F5G8","G250F550FF00550","G250F05FF500550"
Data "00F500F55F550505","00F55FF5F578L3","00F0L2F57885500","G3L378875G2"
Data "00FFL387L300","0L978500","50L6F775G2","500L5F7FF500","0500L4V20L2"
Data "0050050L4G3","GAL200"
Data 16,16
Data "G47G9","G2705G9","0700F5G9","0050FL20FF00550","7050F005FF500550"
Data "0F5G2FL40585","0FL2FF55F58L3","0F00L3F58L200","G3L2F58L2G2","00FFL900"
Data "0L977500","50L6F775G2","500L5F8FF500","0500L4V20L2","0050050L4G3","GAL200"

'7 Slick (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","G9EG4","G6E0E00EG2","G5U30EG3","G4EEAEAEG4","G3EAEEAEAEG3"
Data "G27AA7Q2E2G3","G278787AA2A2G2","00A78787A2A22G2","00AN42A22AG2"
Data "00A72272AI3G2","00I7A2G3","G228822AI2G3","G3I6G4","G2I20I2G5"
Data 16,16
Data "G6E0E00EG2","G5U30EG3","G4EEAEAEG4","G3EAEEAEAEG3","G27AA7Q32G3"
Data "G277878AA2A2G2","00A77878A2A2AG2","00AN42AI2G2","00A72272A22A2G2"
Data "002288I5G3","G2288I2A22G3","G3I7G3","G42G222G4","G42G22G5","G42G22G5"
Data "G3I20I2G4"
'8 Sam (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","G9EG4","G6E0E00EG2","G5U5G3","G4U3AE00E00","G3EAEAAEAEEG2"
Data "G2Q72G3","G287887O4G2","00A87887A2A22G2","002882882AI2G2","00I5AI3G2"
Data "00I9G3","G2288I4G4","G3I6G4","G2I20I2G5"
Data 16,16
Data "G6E0E00EG2","G5U30EG3","G5EAEAE00E00","G3EEAEAEAEEG2","G2Q6E2G3","G2O8G3"
Data "00A87887A2A22G2","002872872AI2G2","00I5AI3G2","00I9G3","G2288I5G3"
Data "G2I7G4","G322G222G4","G42G22G5","G42G22G5","G2I20I2G5"
'9 Disc (4 Sprites)
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G54499G5","G2K6P2G2","0K8P40","K2I34P66","4I66P3M2","3I4M88"
Data "J2I2M6O2","0J4226683O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G52244G5","G2I6K2G2","0I8K40","I2M32K69","2M69K3P2","3M4P88"
Data "J2M2P6O2","0J4669983O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G56622G5","G2M6I2G2","0M8I40","M2P36I64","6P64I3K2","3P4K88"
Data "J2P2K6O2","0J4994483O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G59966G5","G2P6M2G2","0P8M40","P2K39M62","9K62M3I2","3K4I88"
Data "J2K2I6O2","0J4442283O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"

' end

Edited 2023-08-21 17:09 by Martin H.
'no comment


Joined: 16/09/2019
Location: United Kingdom
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Posted: 10:26am 21 Aug 2023
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  Martin H. said  Hi,

I started to design a Q*Bert-like game for the Pico.
Unfortunately, I don't have the time, at the moment, and patience to create a finished game out of it .

That's a shame Martin, but I know what it's like to be short of time.

I've taken a bookmark, but I doubt I will do anything with it myself.

  Martin H. said  ... and/or LCD (Tomboy)?

Now "probably" the Game*Mite, release coming at the beginning of September ... I hope.

Best wishes,

Game*Mite, CMM2 Welcome Tape, Creaky old text adventures

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Posted: 10:45am 21 Aug 2023
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Hi Martin,

I have never played the game. I have no idea what to do with the marveous sprites you created. Maybe Vegipete can pick this up ?


Joined: 17/05/2016
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Posted: 12:17pm 21 Aug 2023
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Running on standard PicoMite with 480x320 ILI9488 LCD after replacing "SPRITE" with "BLIT".

Commenting out the first line, "MODE 2" it ran to line 114:  blit show 2-(of%=7), x%, qy%-sw%(of%), 2,1

I commented that out and it ran to Level 8, Round 4, flashing many colors in a triangle of apparent cubes of which you can see three sides (which appear to be the same shape in different orientations).

It crashed at line 59, Blit write n,x+160,y,1

This is what a screen shot looks like after the crash:

I commented out line 59 and then it runs to the same point, Level 8, Round 4, and then, after a pause, it repeats.

(I have no idea what might happen if those lines were not commented out, and know nothing about the game.)
PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed
Martin H.


Joined: 04/06/2022
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Posted: 12:47pm 21 Aug 2023
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  lizby said  Running on standard PicoMite with 480x320 ILI9488 LCD after replacing "SPRITE" with "BLIT".

Commenting out the first line, "MODE 2" it ran to line 114:  blit show 2-(of%=7), x%, qy%-sw%(of%), 2,1

I commented that out and it ran to Level 8, Round 4, flashing many colors in a triangle of apparent cubes of which you can see three sides (which appear to be the same shape in different orientations).

It crashed at line 59, Blit write n,x+160,y,1

That's the difference between Sprite and Blit
Sprite write n,x+160,y,1 works on Picomite VGA, the ",1" tells the Pico to show the Sprite mirrored. Sadly this option doesn't work with Blit.. So you can delete the last parameter, but the Sprites are always facing left.

Of course, you can also create them in both directions,
something like

Restore qb1
For n=1 To 26
Read wx,wy
For y=0 To wy-1
Read sp$:sp$=expand$(sp$)
 For x=0 To wx-1
    Pixel x,y,cl%(Val("&H"+Mid$(sp$,x+1,1)))
    Pixel (2*wx)-x,y,cl%(Val("&H"+Mid$(sp$,x+1,1)))
 Next x
Next y
Next n

That doubles the number of Sprites and you will run out of possible Sprites,
So for the game you leave most of the sprites untouched, but Bert and Coily have to be mirrored (for the movement right up and right down) and that would be 8 additional sprites.
Edited 2023-08-21 23:07 by Martin H.
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Joined: 17/05/2016
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Posted: 02:59pm 21 Aug 2023
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Ah, thanks. I wouldn't have remembered it, but in playing with the new F4 release, I discovered that I had asked about adding the mirror option to BLIT WRITE back in April of 2021:

"(Note--VegiPete used the CMM2's mirroring parameter to flip the walking man and pushing man--I had to reverse the pixels on the bmp image screen and save walking left and pushing left and right.  It would be useful to save memory on the F4 by providing that mirroring parameter to BLIT WRITE.)"
PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed


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Posted: 03:21am 22 Aug 2023
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  lizby said   It would be useful to save memory on the F4 by providing that mirroring parameter to BLIT WRITE.)"

Yes, if the orientation parameter could possibly be added to the PicoMite also, it would also save many sprites for Martins Q*Bert program running on the PicoMite using LCD screens.

Keep safe. Live long and prosper.

Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 08:04am 22 Aug 2023
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I have read up a bit on WIKI how this game is played, and I think the core could be implemented as follows (you have done the sprites, and demo'ed movements, but the game core is missing).

I think you need 2 arrays "old" and "new" (9x9) that are 45 degrees CC rotated from the actual playing field. Each cell contians a value. 0=empty, 1=Q*bert, 2=Curly, 4=UGG etc...The (0,0) location is the location above the top of the piramid. Sprites (except the discs) die when they meet (X=0) or (Y=0) or (X+Y>8). The discs move along X=0 axis or Y=0 axis, and carry Q*bert to the top.  

These arrays contain the "static" status after move.
Each time the static phase is entered, new() is copied to old(), and a new new is calculated.

Between static states, all sprites move in X steps from position old to position new.
The move state is blocking. During this state only music can be heard. A "move" could take 8 steps of 40ms = 320ms, allowing you to maximum move any sprite 3 cubes per second.

In the static state between moves, keyboard is handled, and collisions are detected, Curly get's new directions calculated from it's position. And sprites are removed when dead.

The whole gameplay takes place in the 45 degrees rotated matrices, only the movement phase translates array coordinates to screen coordiates.

  static phase    'update gameplay
  movement phase  'fixed time, doing X sprite micro-movements for all active sprites

If you can get the "static phase" executed in 40ms then the sprites would move extremely fluent at 25 frames per second (assuming 40ms in each of the X sprite moves).

Again, I have no idea how the game is played, but this is the basis I would start out with.

Edited 2023-08-22 18:12 by Volhout
Martin H.


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Posted: 09:18am 22 Aug 2023
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Hi Volhout

For the Gameplay all Sprites should be able to move at the same time.
As I imagine it...
to see them jumping, the Movement of an Object from A to B has to be splitted into serveral 8 Steps.

It is not a stikt moving from xo,yo to xn to yn
For that I substracted an Offset from the y Position to simulate the Jump

Dim sw%(8)=(0,3,5,6,7,5,4,2,0)

The interrupt driven Movement loop has to look after every possible Object..
Is it aktive in Game?, is it moving?, if so, which state of the moving is it in?
etc ..
Delete the Sprite at the old position and redraw it on the new position,
store the new position etc in the Array "obj(nr,value)" and
continue with the next object...

To look after the Coordinates i planed to use the Data after the field: lable
As you assumed should this be in an array.
JSo here, the Top of the Pyramid is 0,7..
but you can also use the 45 degrees rotated matrices
Edited 2023-08-22 19:27 by Martin H.
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Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posts: 3811
Posted: 09:47am 22 Aug 2023
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  Martin H. said  Hi Volhout
It is not a stikt moving from xo,yo to xn to yn
For that I substracted an Offset from the y Position to simulate the Jump

Dim sw%(8)=(0,3,5,6,7,5,4,2,0)

Yeah, I noticed that. And this "jump" movement could even be different fo Curly, who is "sliding" more than jumping ?

What I tried to explain in previous post is that I wanted to avoid using interrupts.
Simply a fixed loop that runs roughly 3x per second. in this loop you skip what does not need to be updated (sprites that are not active).

I have become averse from interrupts by the huge amount of time spend on MAXITREK. With the omni-potent interrupts it became a nightmare to debug. I am not ready to dream another nightmare. A loop is deterministic. And the only interrupt I would suggest is the sound interrupt.

Martin H.


Joined: 04/06/2022
Location: Germany
Posts: 991
Posted: 06:45am 23 Aug 2023
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  Volhout said  
Yeah, I noticed that. And this "jump" movement could even be different fo Curly, who is "sliding" more than jumping ?

that array could be individual for every object in Game (if needed)

  Volhout said  
I have become averse from interrupts by the huge amount of time spend on MAXITREK. With the omni-potent interrupts it became a nightmare to debug. I am not ready to dream another nightmare. A loop is deterministic. And the only interrupt I would suggest is the sound interrupt.

yeah, thats a mess ...

If one call takes longer than the Interrupt Timeframe you are in trouble.
For Test, I usualy call this sub 1000 times and mesure the Time it takes..
If it takes longer, I try zu optimise the Code that it fits into the interval.
Other option is to speed up the Pico or use less Interrupts / Second.
2nd Issue, if working with sprites in Tick sub could be, that you never know in what Layer/Framebuffer you are at the Moment. You have to take care that you allways on the right screen.
In this example, try to flip the top Color on the Pyramid while the Sprites are moving..
Your Main program switches to N (the normal screen) but the Sprites are using the Layer, so while you just start to draw the Top Color the Interrupt Sprite routine can
switch back to layer ...
and so on. Therefore, and as there is not much happening on the N Screen, it would be helpful to Pause the Interrupt while painting or writing to N.
Edited 2023-08-23 16:48 by Martin H.
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Joined: 17/05/2016
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Posted: 03:17pm 27 Aug 2023
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On a picomite with ILI9488 480x320 LCD, here's a screen shot of the sprites in normal orientation and flipped with Peter's new code for BLIT WRITE which allows mirroring:

After the sprites are read in and built:
For n=1 To 26: Blit write n,n*18,80: Blit write n,n*18,160,1: Blit write n,n*18,240,2:Next

Edited 2023-08-28 01:41 by lizby
PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed
Martin H.


Joined: 04/06/2022
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Posts: 991
Posted: 05:01pm 27 Aug 2023
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  lizby said  
here's a screen shot of the sprites in normal orientation and flipped with Peter's new code for BLIT WRITE which allows mirroring:

That's how they're supposed to look.
Unfortunately I can't get my "LCD Pico" to display anything at the moment. I will test it. But that all has to wait, from Tuesday I'll be in the Netherlands for 8 days. My first vacation after 5 years..


Edited 2023-08-28 05:11 by Martin H.
'no comment


Joined: 29/01/2013
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Posts: 1091
Posted: 06:14am 30 Aug 2023
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Use "ax" and "ml" keys to make Q*Bert jump around on his pyramid. Or into space around his pyramid, because there is no bounds checking yet.

PicoMiteVGA Beta
'Init all

' Character movement directions
const d_UL = 0  ' Up Left
const d_UR = 1  ' Up Right
const d_DL = 2  ' Down Left
const d_DR = 3  ' Down Right

Dim integer f,n,oc,wx,wy,l,r,obj(10,10) 'moving Object Vars
'1 Bert, 2 RBall, 3 GBall, 4 Coily,
'5 WrongWay,6 Ugg, 7 Slick 8 Sam, 9 Disc
Dim cl(15):cl(0)=0:Restore colr:For f=1 To 15:Read cl(f):Next
Dim sw(8)=(0,3,5,6,7,5,4,2,0)
Dim sp$

FRAMEBUFFER Create    ' create buffer to invisibly generate sprites
FRAMEBUFFER Write F   ' make active
Restore qb1
For n=1 To 26
 Read wx,wy
 For y=0 To wy-1
   Read sp$:sp$=expand$(sp$)
   For x=0 To wx-1
     Pixel x,y,cl(Val("&H"+Mid$(sp$,x+1,1)))
   Next x
 Next y
 Sprite read n,0,0,wx,wy:Box 0,0,wx,wy,,0,0  ' reads from active FRAMEBUFFER
Next n
FRAMEBUFFER Layer     ' create buffer for actor overlay
FRAMEBUFFER Write N   ' make background layer active
Dim LC(8,4,5)
Restore Levels
For l=1 To 8
 For r=1 To 4
   Read l1$
   For n=1 To 5


FRAMEBUFFER Write N   ' draw on background
pyra LC(1,1,1),LC(1,1,2),LC(1,1,3)
Text 0,0,"DEMO"
FRAMEBUFFER Write F   ' draw on invisible buffer

qb_x=122:qb_y=28  ' start at top
Sprite write 3, qb_x, qb_y-1, 1   ' draw initial QBert
FRAMEBUFFER COPY F, L, B  ' show 'im
 k2 = 0
   k1 = k2
   k2 = asc(inkey$)
 loop until (k1 <> 0) and (k2 = 0)

 select case k1
   case  97 ' a = Up Left
     Qjump d_UL
   case 108 ' l = Up Right
     Qjump d_UR
   case 109 ' m = Down Left
     Qjump d_DL
   case 120 ' x = Down Right
     Qjump d_DR
 end select

'end demo
'Interrupt would be called every 40 ms... main Game loop here  (to come)
Sub Mainloop
Local f
For f=1 To 10
'object in this Level/Round?
If Not obj(f,9) Then move_on
'object active?
If Not obj(f,0) Then move_on

'code etc.
End Sub

Function expand$(pxl$)
Local n,nmb,tmp$,co$
n=1: Do
If Asc(Mid$(pxl$,n,1))< 71 Then
   Inc n:nmb=Val("&H"+Mid$(pxl$,n,1))
Inc n:Loop Until n>Len(pxl$)
End Function

'Make QBert jump in requested direction
Sub Qjump(d)  'For Demo .. has to be included in Main
 Local x,of ',ox,oy
 Select Case d
   Case d_UL   ' jump Up and left
     For x=qb_x To qb_x-15 Step -2
       Inc qb_y,-3
       Sprite write 2-(of=0), x-2, qb_y-sw(of)-1,0
       Inc of,-1
       Pause 40
     Inc qb_x,-16
   Case d_UR   ' jump Up and right
     For x=qb_x To qb_x+15 Step 2
       Inc qb_y,-3
       Sprite write 2-(of=7), x, qb_y-sw(of),1
       Inc of
       Pause 40
     Inc qb_x,16
   Case d_DL   ' jump Down and left
     For x=qb_x To qb_x-15 Step -2
       Inc qb_y,3
       Sprite write 4-(of=0), x-6, qb_y-sw(of)-1,0
       Inc of,-1
       Pause 40
     Inc qb_x,-16
   Case d_DR   ' jump Down and Right
     For x=qb_x To qb_x+15 Step 2
       Inc qb_y,3
       Sprite write 4-(of=0), x+2, qb_y-sw(of)-1,1
       Inc of,-1
       Pause 40
     Inc qb_x,16
 End Select
 print @(0,0) str$(qb_x,4) str$(qb_y,4) "   "
End Sub

'Draws the playground in colors 1 (top) 2 (left) and 3 (right)
Sub pyra C1,c2,c3
For y=0 To 6
  For n=0 To y:field tx+32*n,32+24*y,c1:block tx+32*n,40+24*y,c2,c3:Next
  Inc tx,-16
End Sub
'------- to recolor just the Top
Sub Fields c1
For y=0 To 6
  For n=0 To y:field tx+32*n,32+24*y,c1:Next
  Inc tx,-16
End Sub

Sub field x,y,c
Triangle x,y+8,x+16,y,x+16,y+16,c,c
Triangle x+32,y+8,x+16,y,x+16,y+16,c,c
End Sub

Sub Block x,y,c1,c2
Triangle x,y,x+16,y+8,x,y+16,c1,c1
Triangle x,y+16,x+16,y+8,x+16,y+24,c1,c1
Triangle x+17,y+8,x+32,y,x+32,y+16,c2,c2
Triangle x+17,y+8,x+17,y+24,x+32,y+16,c2,c2
End Sub


'colors per round:Top, left, right,transition,target
Data "93806","68E09","7280A","B3106"
Data "98E62","431B6","E3896","6009E"
Data "36C09","BA807","98E07","6A809"
Data "ACE69","90046","6A84B","531B6"
Data "E3869","28E96","8A8B7","6A1B4"
Data "28E96","B3146","E3869","E0096"
Data "96C35","7A88B","28E96","6389E"
Data "98E62","E0096","6389E","6A1B4"

Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0
Data 0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0
Data 0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0
Data 0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0

'Compressed sprite Data
'always facing left, have to be mirrored when looking to the right
'2nd sprite is the Object jumping
'1 Bert (4 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF"
Data "0CCEG3CCEEG3","4CCEE0K2CCEEG2","4S2EE774CCU200","04S3874S2EE00"
Data "004S2874S2U20","G24CC44C4S2EE0","G344C4S4EE0","G3K2S5EE0","G344CC4S400"
Data "G4K2CC4CCG2","G5K2S2G3","G4K204CG4","G2440C4C44CG3","G4K20044CG2"""
Data 16,16
Data "0CCEG3CCEEG3","4CCEE0K2CCEEG2","4S2EE874CCU200","04S3874S2EE00"
Data "004S2774S2U20","G24CC44C4S2EE0","G344C4S4EE0","G3K2S5EE0","G344CC4S400"
Data "G4K2CC4CCG2","G5K2S2G3","G6400CG4","G54400CG4","G24C004S2G4"
Data "G344C4044CG3","G544G24CG2"
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","G7S3G3","G5K4S200","G5884884C440","G5874874CC44","G4EK5CK2"
Data "G2EES344S244","00ES9K2","0ECCK2C4C4C4C44","0C8844044CK40","04884G2K500"
Data "0044G3K4G2","G74004G3","G5CC400S200","G3EC400EEC4G2"
Data 16,16
Data "G7S3G3","G5K4S200","G5774774C440","G5884884CC40","G4E884884CK2"
Data "G2EES344S244","00ES9K2","0ECCK2C4C4C4C44","0C8844044CK40","04884G2K500"
Data "0044G3K4G2","G74G24G2","G74G24G2","G74G24G2","G5CC400S200","G3EC400EEC4G2"
'BALL red (2 Sprites)
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","G5K4G4","G3K8G2","G2K27K600","00K27K80","00K88K20"
Data "00K78K30","G2KA00","G4K6G3"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","G5K4G4","G3K8G2","G2K27K600","00K27K80","00KC0","00K98440"
Data "00K88K20","G2K588K200","G3K8G2","G5K4G4"
'Ball GREEN (2 Sprites)
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","G5Q3G5","G3Q7G3","G2Q27Q32AG2"
Data "G2AA7Q42AG2","G2Q62AAG2","G3Q7G3"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","G5Q3G5","G3Q7G3","G2Q27Q5G2","G2AA7Q42AG2"
Data "G2Q72AG2","G2Q522AAG2","G3Q222Q2G3","G5Q3G5"
'MBall Coily Drop (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","GF","G4L5G4","G2L2V3L2G2","0055F7L700","055F77L80","055F77L80"
Data "55FLC","LB8585","LA85885","0L7O400","00L4885O2G2","G3L488G4","GF","GF"
Data 16,16
Data "G4L5G4","G2L9G2","00L3V3L300","0L2F7L80","L2F77L9","55FLC","LB8585"
Data "LB8585","LA85885","L8O55","0L5885O350","00L6O3500","G2L2O455G2","G4L5G4"
Data "GF","GF"
'Coily 16x32 up (2 Sprites)
Data 16,32
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF"
Data "GF","00FF0V3G6","0FL7G5","0FL8G4","0FL9G3","FLAG3","FL2G4L2G3"
Data "07005500L3G3","0FL8G4","00FL7G4","00L6G6","00F5G65G3","00F55G355G4"
Data "G2FL605G2","G3FL30055G2","GB5G2","GF"
Data 16,32
Data "00FF0FFG8","0FL5G7","0FL5V2G4","0FL8FG3","FLAG3","FL4G3L2G2","055G7L200"
Data "07007G65500","GBF550","G35V2G3F550","00FL5F00F550","0FL200L2005500"
Data "L3FG2L30500","FL2FG3L3G2","0FL2V250L2G2","00FL6055G2","G4L300L200"
Data "GB5500","GBF550","00V6G2F550","0FL700F550","0FL2G2L20L20","0F55G3FL20500"
Data "0FL50L3G2","G45500L3G2","G9L2G2","G9L2G2","G9L2G2","G2FG5L2G2"
Data "G25FG3F55G3","G355V255G4","G555G7"

'Coily 16x32 down (2 Sprites)
Data 16,32
Data "GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF","GF"
Data "GF","00FF0FF5FG6","0V555FG5","078787L3FG4","05N2L5FG3","L70L2FG2"
Data "L6G255FG2","0L4G355FG2","07007G2L3G3","G2L70FG2","G3L4005FG2","G8F55FG2"
Data "G25G3FL2G3","G35V3L2FG2","G5L405F00","GB5F00","GB5G2"
Data 16,32
Data "00FF0FFG8","0V55G7","07878755V2G4","05N2L5FG3","LBFF00","L5G3L2F00"
Data "0L4G4L2F0","07007G655F0","GC55F","G35V2G455F","00L6FG255F","0L300L2FL2F0"
Data "L3FG4L3F0","0505FG3L3F00","00505V2L4G2","G250L500F00","G4L2G355F0"
Data "GB55F0","GC55F","005V5G355F","0L7FG255F","0L3G35FL3F","0L2G5L3F0"
Data "0LBF00","G4L4G5","GAV200","G9L2F00","G9L2F00","G2FG5L300","G25FG3FL2G2"
Data "G355V255G4","G555G7"
' WrongWay (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","00L2G45G4","0FFG655G3","F00F005500505G2","F500L600500","0FL805G2"
Data "00F5878755005500","0FF558787L3050","FF57755785005005","0FN3557G6"
Data "FF7788755G6","FFN28755V25500","FF5N288700FG3","0FF55778700FFG2","V477G8"
Data "00V2GA"
Data 16,16
Data "00L2G45G4","V25G65G3","FF0FFG4505500","FG455055G250","FF00L5G2500"
Data "0FL6G2L20","00L27L3055055","0FL37L4G25","V2775575FFG4","0FN3557G6"
Data "FFN4L2G5","FF7887755F5G4","FF57O2770FL200","0FF55787G2FG3","V477G4F500"
Data "00V2GA"

'6 Ugg (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "G57G8","G3705G8","00700F5G8","G250F550FF00550","G250F05FF500550"
Data "00F500F55F550505","00F55FF5F578L3","00F0L2F57885500","G3L378875G2"
Data "00FFL387L300","0L978500","50L6F775G2","500L5F7FF500","0500L4V20L2"
Data "0050050L4G3","GAL200"
Data 16,16
Data "G47G9","G2705G9","0700F5G9","0050FL20FF00550","7050F005FF500550"
Data "0F5G2FL40585","0FL2FF55F58L3","0F00L3F58L200","G3L2F58L2G2","00FFL900"
Data "0L977500","50L6F775G2","500L5F8FF500","0500L4V20L2","0050050L4G3","GAL200"

'7 Slick (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","G9EG4","G6E0E00EG2","G5U30EG3","G4EEAEAEG4","G3EAEEAEAEG3"
Data "G27AA7Q2E2G3","G278787AA2A2G2","00A78787A2A22G2","00AN42A22AG2"
Data "00A72272AI3G2","00I7A2G3","G228822AI2G3","G3I6G4","G2I20I2G5"
Data 16,16
Data "G6E0E00EG2","G5U30EG3","G4EEAEAEG4","G3EAEEAEAEG3","G27AA7Q32G3"
Data "G277878AA2A2G2","00A77878A2A2AG2","00AN42AI2G2","00A72272A22A2G2"
Data "002288I5G3","G2288I2A22G3","G3I7G3","G42G222G4","G42G22G5","G42G22G5"
Data "G3I20I2G4"
'8 Sam (2 Sprites)
Data 16,16
Data "GF","GF","G9EG4","G6E0E00EG2","G5U5G3","G4U3AE00E00","G3EAEAAEAEEG2"
Data "G2Q72G3","G287887O4G2","00A87887A2A22G2","002882882AI2G2","00I5AI3G2"
Data "00I9G3","G2288I4G4","G3I6G4","G2I20I2G5"
Data 16,16
Data "G6E0E00EG2","G5U30EG3","G5EAEAE00E00","G3EEAEAEAEEG2","G2Q6E2G3","G2O8G3"
Data "00A87887A2A22G2","002872872AI2G2","00I5AI3G2","00I9G3","G2288I5G3"
Data "G2I7G4","G322G222G4","G42G22G5","G42G22G5","G2I20I2G5"
'9 Disc (4 Sprites)
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G54499G5","G2K6P2G2","0K8P40","K2I34P66","4I66P3M2","3I4M88"
Data "J2I2M6O2","0J4226683O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G52244G5","G2I6K2G2","0I8K40","I2M32K69","2M69K3P2","3M4P88"
Data "J2M2P6O2","0J4669983O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G56622G5","G2M6I2G2","0M8I40","M2P36I64","6P64I3K2","3P4K88"
Data "J2P2K6O2","0J4994483O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"
Data 16,12
Data "GF","G59966G5","G2P6M2G2","0P8M40","P2K39M62","9K62M3I2","3K4I88"
Data "J2K2I6O2","0J4442283O20","G2J483838G2","G53383G5","GF"

' end

Visit Vegipete's *Mite Library for cool programs.

Joined: 05/03/2018
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 3811
Posted: 09:09am 30 Aug 2023
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Nice...very smooth moves...
You did not color the top tiles yet...

Insert lines 165..167



Joined: 29/01/2013
Location: Canada
Posts: 1091
Posted: 05:30am 18 Sep 2023
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Here's a short program with the sprites converted to CSub form, as used by Picomite(VGA) firmware 5.0708b16 (or newer.) This just displays them on screen. I've created the various required mirror images - Ugg and Wrongway were a bit tricky because they actually need to be mirrored at 45 degrees. Next I need to compress them...
Visit Vegipete's *Mite Library for cool programs.
Martin H.


Joined: 04/06/2022
Location: Germany
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Posted: 06:48am 18 Sep 2023
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  vegipete said  Here's a short program with the sprites converted to CSub form, as used by Picomite(VGA) firmware 5.0708b16 (or newer.) This just displays them on screen. I've created the various required mirror images - Ugg and Wrongway were a bit tricky because they actually need to be mirrored at 45 degrees. Next I need to compress them...

good work,

Ugg and Wrongway have to be, the way they are ..:-)
Because in the Game, they use a twisted perspective (Sides as top), they are displayed as they are.

'no comment

Joined: 17/05/2016
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Posted: 11:42am 18 Sep 2023
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That's what it looks like on a PicoMite with ILI9488 with this code:
If MM.Device$="PicoMiteVGA" Then
Dim glof(50)
Restore GlyphOff
Read n : glof(0) = n
For i = 1 To n:Read glof(i):Next

Text MM.HRes/2,0,"PI*Bert Sprites by Martin H.","CT"
Text MM.HRes/2,10,"Converted to CSub by Vegipete","CT"
spad=Peek(cfunaddr Glyphs)
x = 10 : y = 40
For i = 1 To glof(0)
 Blit memory spad+glof(i),x,y
 Inc x,20
 If i = 12 Then x = 10 : Inc y, 20
 If i = 24 Then x = 10 : Inc y, 40
 If i = 36 Then x = 10 : Inc y, 20
Next i
If MM.Device$="PicoMite" Then FRAMEBUFFER copy f,n

I don't know if the blank sprites are supposed to be blank.

Edited 2023-09-18 21:44 by lizby
PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed

Joined: 05/03/2018
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Posted: 12:05pm 18 Sep 2023
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Hi lizby,

Your image is okay.
There are no blank sprites. Some are vertically larger....


Joined: 17/05/2016
Location: United States
Posts: 3059
Posted: 12:19pm 18 Sep 2023
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  Volhout said  Some are vertically larger....

Ah, got it. Thanks.
PicoMite, Armmite F4, SensorKits, MMBasic Hardware, Games, etc. on fruitoftheshed
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